Q. (1) With growing influence of radicalized extremist ideologies like Wahhabism and Salafism Islam in the minds of Muslim youths of India and degrading communal harmony due to current political scenario of India, Can China and Pakistan take advantage of this situation In case of a full-fledged war ?
(2) Can Blocking of Roads and specified areas where Muslims are in majority, Impose a serious logistics disadvantage to Indian Security forces in their capability to mobilize quickly?
(3) What steps are taken by Indian Government to prevent radicalization of youth through social media and Extremist Ideologies supporting Organizations ( like , PFI, SDFI) within India ?
(4) Why has government not formed any agency to counter the Social Media and Hybrid warfare launched by Pakistan (
Inter Services Public Relations, Pakistan) and Chinese Communist party led fake propaganda against India ?

Replied by Maj Gen P K Mallick, VSM (Retd)
- Though there is some case of growing influence of radicalised extremist ideologies, the cases are not alarming and are isolated in nature. India has a Muslim population of 19.5 crores, home to 10.3% of the world population, third largest Muslim populated country in the world after Indonesia and Pakistan. In fact, the number of Muslim population in India and Pakistan are almost same. In spite of having such large populations of Muslims, the number of people joining ISIS are miniscule compared to other countries including some of the western countries. There will be isolated incidents but Indian state is quite capable of dealing with these cases. In case of a full fledged war, the nationalistic feelings will be high. Inimical elements to the idea of India will not dare to take any such action. Emergency will be in place. that should take care of the issues.
- Blocking of roads in specific areas would not be any major issues for mobilization of the Armed Forces. In such a case, an emergency will be enforced. Local Police and armed forces are more than capable of dealing with the case.
- Govt of India and some of the state governments have taken a number of measures to prevent radicalization of youths. Initiatives on the education sector is one of the major planks of this effort. The Govt is also constantly engaging with various stakeholders to tackle the problems. Social Media is a major factor to spread disinformation and hatred. MHA does take action to block the Internet in case of any communal flare up in the affected areas. Also they are in constant touch with social media authorities like Twitter, Facebook etc if action is required to be taken by them. By and large they accede to the government's request.
- Respective govt agencies do take action to counter Pakistan and China’s propaganda against India. However, there is scope of considerable improvement in this aspect. An organisation at the apex level to coordinate actions by all the involved agencies is a must.