WHO is a specialized agency, which is committed to achieving better health for everyone and everywhere. WHO has faced immense challenges in the past, for example when it was unable to respond to Ebola crises, as it depends on donors where 70 percent of its resources come from other countries and agencies. It also lacks specialized staff especially the social scientists. In the light of the current issue of Corona virus, WHO has adopted new ways to build awareness for example use of digital technologies especially via WhatsApp groups. This has been possible with the help of establishing a new division of data and analytics. It has been continuously monitoring and responding to this outbreak. Numerous Situation Reports are being updated to keep the public informed. WHO has also accelerated research and innovation for the novel corona virus by convening a global research and innovation forum to mobilize international cooperation in dealing with this menace. It has also launched COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund in partnership with UN and others. Various advisories and guidelines are being issued to address the concerns of the spread of Corona virus.