Vimarsha: India-Slowing Down an Under-Heated Economy a talk with Dr. Bibek Debroy

Dr. Bibek Debroy, an eminent economist and member of VIF’s (Vivekananda International Foundation) Executive Council, delivered a perceptive talk, titled ‘India-Slowing Down an Under Heated Economy’ on December 30th, 2011 as part of the Foundation’s Vimarsha series of lectures. An august gathering, comprising former civil and military officials, scholars and diplomats attended.

Vimarsha - India 2021: Hazarding Guesses, Guessing Hazards by Shri Gopal Krishna Gandhi

Shri Gopal Krishna Gandhi, former Governor of West Bengal, and grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, presented his vision of India in 2021 to an enlightened audience at Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) on Nov 7, 2011. Crystal-gazing, Shri Gandhi portrayed a kaleidoscopic image of India in 2021 – young, impatient and angry despite a vibrant economy with projected economic growth hovering around eight percent. The growing resources crunch, especially those related to employment, food, water, housing et al could lead to further deepening of the present crisis, Shri Gandhi cautioned. He went on to add that generation of the deprived young and the enriched young would demand a leadership more representative of its age and status.

Vimarsha - A talk on Proposed Communal Violence Bill with Mr. R.N.P. Singh

‘Vimarsha’, VIF’s monthly series of public discourse on contemporary subjects, was held on September 30, 2011 to discuss an issue of utmost national importance - the implications for social harmony of a proposed legislation titled 'Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice and Reparations) Bill, 2011.

The Study of Ancient India: Erroneous Perceptions and the Reality - A Talk by Dr. Dilip K Chakrabarti

In his talk, delivered at Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) on August 31, 2011, Dr. Dilip K Chakrabarti, Professor Emeritus of South Asian Archaeology, Cambridge University made out a strong case for presenting the history of ancient India in an unbiased manner. The talk, interspersed with powerful arguments, succinctly underscored the colonialist bias from which the study of ancient India suffers even today.

Role and Relevance of Saints and Religious Leaders in Constitutional Polity - A Talk by Dr. Bharat Gupt

During the VIF’s monthly discourse ‘Vimarsha’, which was held on July 29, 2011, Dr. Bharat Gupt, an eminent scholar of civilisational studies, deliberated upon the ‘Role and Relevance of Saints and Religious Leaders in Constitutional polity’ – a subject which lies at the center of current political debate in our country. Mr. Ajit Doval, Director VIF, presided over the session and also introduced the speaker to the audience.

Maratha Rule 1674-1761: an Appraisal : A talk by Shri Shanti Prasad Agrawal

‘Vimarsha’, the monthly talk at Vivekananda International Foundation, was held on June 30, 2011, on the subject of Maratha Rule in India. Shri Shanti Prasad Agrawal, a scholar of history of Marathas and author of several books, gave an appraisal on one of the six golden epochs in India’s history i.e. the period from 1674-1761 during which Marathas were able to establish their writ over a vast extent of India.

Strategizing Jammu & Kashmir Policy : Factoring in the past Experience & Future Portents with Shri Arif Mohammed Khan

Veteran leader and former Union Minister for Civil Aviation and Energy Shri Arif Mohammed Khan was invited to speak at Vimarsha of April 2011. Shri Khan spoke on "Strategizing Jammu & Kashmir Policy: Factoring in the past Experience & Future Portents".

Globalisation and National Identities with Dr. Lokesh Chandra

Vimarsha of March 2011 saw eminent scholar of Buddhist and Cultural studies Dr. Lokesh Chandra speak on ‘Globalisation and National Identities’. While introducing the speaker, VIF Director Shri Ajit Doval observed that the selected topic was of great relevance to us – as a nation, as a civil society as well as a civilisation.

India Grows at Night when the Government Sleeps with Shri Gurcharan Das

Vimarsha - A talk on 'India Grows at Night when the Government Sleeps' by Shri Gurcharan Das.

India’s Role in Emerging Paradigm: A talk with Ma. P. Parameshwaranji, President of Vivekananda Kendra

Salient excerpts of the speech by Ma. P. Parameshwaranji, President of Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari at Vivekananda International Foundation, New Delhi on 25th October 2010. Paradigm is among those alien idioms which enter our discourse carrying certain baggages with them and limit and condition our thinking. They force us to restructure our thinking, mind set and traditional and inborn character. Being in regular contact with other cultures and nations, this is inevitable. Moreover, unlike in the past now changes are cataclysmic.

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