Optimising Defense Expenditure

… there is no place for wasteful expenditure. Indigenization must be the preferred option so that defense expenditure generates employment, helps in earning foreign exchange and sharpens our technology as also learning curve ...

U.S. National Cyber Strategy and Department of Defence (DoD) Cyber Strategy: An Analysis

… India’s national security establishments and the armed forces need to … take appropriate action wherever required to improve India’s posture in the cyber domain. Publishing a National Cyber Strategy and Cyber Strategy for the Ministry of...

China’s Expanding Role in Africa: An Assessment

… many in Africa support China’s economic initiatives, but there has been some amount of resistance to the latter’s aggressive business plans fueled by the belief that the Chinese are sending their workers not hiring the local population,...

Cyber Security: Fundamental to India’s Sovereignty

… cyber security is the single largest concern for nations and societies today as they move from agro-industrial age to the Information Age … threats are present 24/7 across the full spectrum, from: Cyber-crime to cyber espionage to cyber...

Evolution of China-Sri Lanka Relations

Over the last ten years China has been paying renewed attention to its ties with Sri Lanka. There has been a large rise in Chinese investments in various projects in Sri Lanka. Beijing has also diplomatically supported Colombo on various issues,...

Either Side of Historical Conclusions: Evidences and Interpretations

… historical narratives should be right, as far as possible accommodative of duly qualified civilisational memories, and so balanced and trust worthy … dignified or infamous, balanced historical narratives bring great advantages to the society,...

Indian Engagement with Afghanistan: An Economic Perspective

… Indian assistance in Afghanistan is focused on, ‘Afghan led, Afghan owned and controlled,’ projects … India’s Small Development Projects are spread all over the country … economic development is the basic foundation for peace in Afghanistan …...

Cryptocurrencies: A New Scourge of Terror Financing

...global counter-terrorism community has serious concerns over the use of cryptocurrencies by terrorist groups for terror financing … this essay examines some of the recent cases of the use of virtual currencies for terror financing, and the use...

Maritime Transport has the Potential to Reinvigorate Indian Economy

… maritime transport can play a major role not only in creating mass jobs but also in enhancing the technical thresholds … investment in port infrastructure and shipbuilding sectors can absorb unskilled labour in large numbers … its...

Delimitation of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the India-Indonesia Maritime Border

… the EEZ agreement with India and Indonesia, with the added context of Indonesia also delimiting its maritime boundaries with its neighbours Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand and Australia sets a firm example of the importance of adhering to UNCLOS...

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