Historical and Civilisational Studies
Basant K. Gupta, Timeless Wisdom from Ancient India, Laksmi di Asya Om, Italy, Second Edition, 2014, Italy. ISBN 978-88-96642-27-6, pp.235

Attaining Peace, Harmony and Happiness, the Indian way Everyone wants to be prosperous, at peace and happy, and but few manage to attain these desirable goals. Why? How can one achieve peace and harmony while leading normal life? Vedas and...

Debating Culture; Anirban Ganguly; D K Printworld (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2013; PP 158; Price Rs 400

Book Review - Highlighting Contributions of National Thinkers

Dr Anirban Ganguly’s book Debating Culture discusses the concept of culture in the writings of several outstanding national thinkers.

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