Mr Wenchyi Ong, head of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre in New Delhi had a lively interaction on July 21st with a cross section of the Indian business community, security analysts, former diplomats, the academe and scholars at the Vivekananda....

It would be an error to talk to Pakistan again

he major lesson we should draw from the foreign minister-level talks is that Pakistan is not serious about addressing our concerns on terrorism. This should have been clear to us long ago because we have been talking to Pakistan on terrorism ever ....

China-Pakistan Railway Project

There were considerable enthusiasms in Pakistan prior to President Asif Ali Zardai’s visit to China which ended with much less triumph because the two main areas of negotiations, namely, civil nuclear energy cooperation and China-Pakistan railway l....


It is not clear what External Affairs Minister’s visit to Pakistan in mid-July can realistically achieve in bridging the trust deficit between India and Pakistan. This distrust spans sixty three years. So long as Pakistan persists with its claim on....

Ensnare Pakistan in Afghanistan

With the Americans having conceded a central role to Pakistan in the latest round of the never-ending ‘endgame’ in Afghanistan, the spectre of Taliban returning to power in Kabul is all too real for countries with vital interests in Afghanistan t....

A China-Pak Nuclear Axis Against India

The issues involved in China’s sale of two more nuclear reactors need to be better understood. Arguments that India, as a non-NPT state, has itself secured a nuclear deal with the US and therefore has little ground to oppose a China-Pakistan nuclea....

Reflecting upon Urumqi Riot on its First Anniversary

Last year summer, the northwestern city of Urumqi experienced an unprecedented outburst of ethnic tension between the Han and the Uyghur communities. The riot popularly came to be known as “July 5th incident” (七五事件). The significance of t....


It is easy to take the position that we must have a dialogue with Pakistan. It can be argued that as Pakistan is a neighbour, and cannot be wished away, we have to talk to it whatever the provocation. Not talking will not make it more disposed to set....

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari’s another Sojourn to China

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari’s frequent visits to China in his short stint of less than two years in power, throw considerable light on the bilateral relations between the two countries. China usually feels more comfortable in dealing with ....

Corruption in India and the role of the investigative agencies

‘Let every politician declare publicly that he is honest – he can then be faulted for being corrupt: That is the first step!’

The above statement was the core of the message on corruption in public life that Shri S. Gurumurthy put a....

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