CAG and The Indian Constitution

In India, it has become customary to abuse the Constitution and/or Constitutional Authority whenever a political party or a political leader is in trouble for its or his misdeeds. Let us not forget that this began with Jawaharlal Nehru himself and ....

Grandma’s Remedies for Governance Issues

I was a stripling short of twenty-three years when I joined as Assistant Collector at Morena after completing my training at the IAS Training School at Metcalfe House. Morena can be frightfully hot in the summer and my training required almost consta....

China’s Strategic Posture in Tibet Autonomous Region and India’s Response

Relations between India and China are poised to affect and influence the global economic and strategic aggregates, which would significantly determine peace, security and stability in Asia in the coming decades. History denotes that interaction betwe....

India’s Role in the Current Century

The title of Shashi Tharoor’s new book, Pax Indica: India and the World of the 21st Century, can mislead an unwary reader. The book does not offer a blueprint for India’s rise to imperial status in the current century. A more modest....

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