India-Vietnam Strategic Relationship: Need to Impart Momentum

While historians trace the roots of India-Vietnam relations to the 2nd Century AD, modern day association commenced four decades ago in 1972. There has been an upward trajectory of engagement in all spheres thereafter be it political, econ....

Vimarsha on Indigenising Technology and Production in Defence – India’s Survival Need with Dr. V. K. Saraswat

On 11th November 2013, Vivekananda International Foundation invited Dr. V. K. Saraswat, former Director General of DRDO and former Scientific Advisor to the Ministry of Defence, to deliver a talk on Indigenising Technology and Productio....

China and the United States – Big risks to the Global Economy and Markets

US stocks reach all-time high as government shuts down George Orwell is reported to have remarked famously that telling the truth would be a revolutionary at a time of universal deceit. It cannot be more apt than now when financial markets ....

Indian PM’s China Visit: In Pursuit of Peace Along the Borders

It is rare that a summit between two countries is held twice in the same year. Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh’s visit to Beijing came only about five months since their meeting in New Delhi in May this year. What were the compelling circum....

Pakistan: When Enemy No. 1 Becomes Martyr No.1, The War is Lost

What is to be made of a society, people and country whose political leadership erupts in anger and weaves bizarre conspiracy theories because its self-declared ‘enemy no. 1’ is eliminated in a drone attack by a country which has not only accorded....

Interaction with Taiwanese Delegation

An interaction was held with a Taiwanese delegation from Prospects Foundation at the VIF on 6 November 2013. The five member Taiwanese delegation was led by Dr. Tzong-Ho Bau, Vice Chairman of the Foundation. Dr Frances Chung, Deputy Representative, ....

Balochistan- The New Regional Tinderbox?

On 25 October 2013, the Iranian State News Agency reported that fourteen Iranian border guards were killed and five wounded in clashes with “armed bandits” near Saravan on Iran’s southeastern border with Pakistan. There were also reports of thr....

AZIZ's NOTEBOOK: at the heart of the iranian revolution; Chowra Makaremi; Translated by Renuka George; Yoda Press; PP 149; Price Rs 250

Can there be anything in common between the Islamic Revolution led by the Ayatollahs of Iran, the formation of a medieval Islamic Emirate by the Taliban of Afghanistan, the Cultural Revolution unleashed by the Red Guards of Maoist China and the patho....

The Kashmir Dispute—the Faultlines

In the dynamics of history and the variables which govern the course of political sociology, historians do not make history. They only record its course and describe the forces and narrate the events, which are a reality that the historians cannot di....

ASI’s Gold Hunt: An Affront to Modern India

India is a deeply religious country where the Sanatan Dharma based religions, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism coexist happily and peacefully with the Semitic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, as also with the Zoroastrian faith and a....

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