Nepal: Conducting Local Elections in Terai

Nepali Congress leader Sher Bahadur Deuba, who for the fourth time became Nepal’s Prime Minister on June 6, 2017, has the foremost duty to conduct local elections for the Village Councils and municipalities in the Terai region of Nepal on June 28. ....

India and SCO: Astana Summit and Beyond

After being an observer in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) since 2005, India finally gained entry to the multilateral grouping during the Astana Summit held in June. India had applied for the full membership in 2014 after weighing very ju....

Belt and Road Initiative: Implications for Central Asia

The Belt and Road Forum (BRF) sought attention of the international community and made headlines everywhere in mid-May. The event was organized by China in Beijing on 14-15 May 2017 with the purpose of promoting its ambitious project called the Belt ....

धर्मनिरपेक्षों ने भरोसा गंवाया है, धर्मनिरपेक्षता सलामत है

राष्ट्रपति चुनाव निकट हैं और तिनकों की तरह बिखरे विपक्षी दल एकजुट होने और इस पद के लिए संयुक्त प....

How Strong are Our Offset Guidelines?... A User's Perspective

Abstract The Minister of State for Defence Mr Subash Bhamre announced in Jan 17 this year, that nearly $14 billion worth of defence offset obligations would be discharged in India by foreign Original Equipment Manufacturers (O....

Daesh in Afghanistan: It gets Weakened but Not yet Vanquished in Syria-Iraq

It has been a little under two and a half years since January 26, 2015 when Daesh announced in Afghanistan, the establishment of its South Asian affiliate known as Islamic State in Khorasan (ISK). The outfit’s now-deceased spokesperson Abu Muhammad....

युद्ध टालने के लिए क्या बेहतर: आक्रामकता या शांति?

कोई जिम्मेदार देश युद्ध के लिए तभी तैयार होगा, जब कुछ ‘असाधारण’ घट जाए। ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि युद....

Myanmar Peace Process: A Bridge Too Far!

The second session of the 21st Century Panglong conference concluded on 29 May after having been extended by a day. The first session of the conference held under the leadership of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in end August last year had set out a....

The Complexities of Tribal Land Rights and Conflict in Manipur: Issues and Recommendations

Abstract Land is at the center of most conflicts in Northeast India because of its importance in the life of the people of the region, particularly its tribal communities. Manipur, the Land of Jewels, has been besieged with confli....

लाल बत्ती से छुटकारा - वीआईपी संस्कृति की समाप्ति

प्रसिद्ध यूनानी विचारक अरस्तू ने कहा था, “शुरुआत अच्छी हो तो सफलता मिलती ही है।” केंद्रीय मंत्�....

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