Vimarsha: Ensuring Food Security for India

VIF’s monthly Vimarsha for the month of February, 2018, focused on ‘Ensuring Food Security for India’ through an enlightening talk delivered by Mr. S.K Pattanayak, Secretary to the Government of India (Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfar....

Religious Conflict in Sri Lanka: An Assessment

Sri Lanka’s trauma with communal violence raging in Kandy eased on March 9, 2018. According to media reports (Times of India & Indian express, Mar. 10, 2018), no incidents were reported from the affected neighbourhoods of Kandy since then, although....

Defence Corridors Notwithstanding, the Real Challenge is "Make in India"

The Finance Minister, in his budget speech 2018 announced that two Defence Industrial Production Corridors (DIPC) will be developed in the country. Following this, the Govt., in early this month, announced that the first of this corridor will come up....

The Trillion Dollar Question: Can China handle its Debt?

"The men who can manage men manage the men who can manage only things, and the men who can manage money manage all." - Will Durant China’s growing role and assertiveness in the international system is concurrent to its economic strength. ....

Commentary: Pre-eminent Issues of Governance in Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh (AP) is the 29th state of India, with a large area of 14 lakh sq. km. and population of only 14 lakh, placing it in 15th and 27th position, respectively on a national basis. However, the geopolitical significance of the p....

पश्तून में ‘लंबी पदयात्रा’ का विश्लेषण

पिछले दिनों, पश्तून समुदाय में पहली बार ऐसी लामबंदी देखने को मिली, जिसके माध्यम से इस्लामाबाद प�....

Commentary: Kazakhstan Concludes UNSC Presidency

Kazakhstan has recently concluded the Presidency of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for one month. It had assumed the Non-Permanent Membership (NPM) of the UNSC in 2017 for the tenure of two years. As a matter of fact, Kazakhstan is the fi....

Discussion on Vivekananda International Foundation ‘History of Ancient India’ Series

In 2013, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) published the first five volumes of its multi-volume History of Ancient India Series. Three of the remaining six volumes are to come out shortly and the last three are scheduled to be out....

Commentary: Sri Lanka-Pakistan Relations: Visit of Gen. Bajwa

Pakistan has been traditionally working on enhancing mutual cooperation and strengthening of bilateral relationship, especially focusing on defense ties, with Sri Lanka. On more than one occasion, Sri Lanka has expressed gratitude for Pakistan’s he....

मालद्वीप में राजनितिक घमासान

राजनीतिक उथलपुथल हिन्द महासागर का यह टापू देश, मालद्वीप, उस वक़्त यकायक राजनैतिक घमासान �....

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