Commentary: India Should Be Innovative in the Challenging Times Ahead

Prime Minister Modi has shown remarkable innovativeness in foreign policy arena recently. This shows that he is cognisant of the challenges for India that are looming ahead. The ‘informal summit’ with Xi Jinping in April 2018 was an attempt to....

Vimarsha: Talk by Air Chief Marshal BS Dhanoa, PVSM, AVSM, YSM, VM, ADC, on ‘Role of Indian Air Force in the Changing Security Environment’,

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) invited Air Chief Marshal BS Dhanoa, PVSM, AVSM, YSM, VM, ADC, Chief of Air Staff, for a public discourse on “The Role of Indian Air Force (IAF) in the Changing Security Environment” The talk was org....

Changing Political Landscape in the Middle East

President Trump’s announcement of US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal comes at a time, when the political landscape in the Middle East is changing fast. Hizbullah won the majority in Lebanon elections in early May. The Iraqi election results ....

दक्षिण चीन सागर में पी एल ए की नौसेना का विराट अभ्यास: विश्लेषण

पीपुल्स लिबरेशन आर्मी (पीएलए) की नौसेना ने वैश्विक और क्षेत्रीय स्तरों पर उभरती सामरिक स्थितिय....

Xi's Tightening Control over the Media

... The Chinese media has successfully invented novel ways to bypass the authority of the state since 1978. But after Xi Jinping came to power in 2012, the balance has shifted heavily in favour of the government. Xi has adopted a host of new methods ....

Essay Contest for School Students, Prize Distribution

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organised an online essay contest for school students between classes X and XII in January 2018. The theme for the contest was ‘My Vision of India’. The prizes were announced in March and the prize d....

Bangladesh: Quota Politics

What began as a small protest against quotas in government jobs in Dhaka University on 17 February 2018 soon spread to Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal, Mymensingh, Sylhet and some other parts of the country. It reached its peak on 8 April when students b....

पंचम भारत-चीन रणनीतिक आर्थिक संवाद

भारत चीन के बीच घटते व्यापार ने इन दोनों देशों के द्विपक्षीय संबंधों में खटास पैदा कर दी है। कई �....

Round Table Meeting with H.E. Mr. Tomasz Kozlowski, Ambassador of the European Union to India, on ‘European Union – India Relations and a Way Forward’

The European Union's (EU) Ambassador to India and Bhutan Tomasz Kozlowski participated in a high-level Roundtable meeting on the growing engagement between the EU and India. His speech covered the positive development of relations in recent years and....

Commentary: PM Modi’s Visit to Nepal - the Beginning of a New Chapter

Within a month of the first official foreign trip under taken by Nepal’s new Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli to New Delhi (Apr 6-8, 2018) which came within two months of his assumption of office in February 2018, the Indian Prime Minister Modi paid a....

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