Digital India
Semiconductor FABs: A National Mission

… improvements in semiconductor and related technologies would have direct impact on the security, economy, society, and human society ... chip dependent systems would contribute substantially towards the comprehensive power of the nations and woul....

Protection of National Critical Information Infrastructure

India is in the next phase of digital transformation. The digital presence of economic and national security infrastructure is growing in the country at a rapid pace. All critical infrastructures are dependent and have integrated cyber technologies f....

Cyber Security in India – Present Status

Introduction: The Information Technology (IT) Act in India was promulgated as early as 2000. The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) was established in 2004 and continues to act. India has undertaken several steps at p....

स्किल इंडिया अभियान : सामयिक पहल

आर्थिक वृद्धि पर आयु का प्रभाव हमेशा ही बहस का विषय रहा है। युवा कामकाजी वर्ग में बढ़ोतरी किसी भी....

Information and Communication Technologies: Key to Transform India

The Digital Era ushered in by the ICTs and Media has opened up exciting possibilities for the country. India realized the potential of ICT for all round development and started building the infrastructure and capacities in the mid-nineties. She is no....

Rebooting India-Russia ties

The international environment is changing, with new opportunities and challenges. India is not where it was since the early 90s. Our economic growth, even if it has been less spectacular than that of China, has changed international perceptions about....

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