2013 One wrote in 2013 about “Europe Going Down”, that ‘as Europe goes down we need to be prepared for consequences’. To quote: “The European economic and social crisis is becoming worse with each passing day”. One bus....
2013 One wrote in 2013 about “Europe Going Down”, that ‘as Europe goes down we need to be prepared for consequences’. To quote: “The European economic and social crisis is becoming worse with each passing day”. One bus....
‘Soft Power’, a term coined by Joseph Nye in the late 1980s, has been gaining increasing salience in foreign policy debates the world over. While in India, the use of soft power as part of Indian diplomacy had begun even before the term was coine....
जब 9/11 की तबाही हुई, उस दौरान मैं विश्व बैंक में बतौर कार्यकारी निदेशक वर्ल्ड वाशिंगटन डी सी में थ�....
It was during my tenure as Executive Director, World Bank, at Washington DC, that the catastrophe of 9/11 took place. In the aftermath of the tragedy, it became fashionable for every think-tank to discuss two questions: ‘What went wrong?’ ....
पिछले करीब तीसेक साल में अमेरिकी चुनावों में ईसा मसीह की अहमियत काफी बढ़ गई है। ऐसा तब है, जब ईसा�....
In the last 30 or so years the importance of Jesus in US elections has increased substantially. This is in a situation where Christianity– in the church going /family values sense– has seen a decline. The number of birth out of wedlock has increa....
Robert Thurman, an internationally acclaimed American Buddhist scholar specializing in Asiatic religions, especially Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, also recognized as one of the twenty-five most influential Americans of 1997 by Time, visited the Vivekananda ....
A Chinese translation of Sursagar (the ocean of poems, originally composed by Surdas, a late 15th century blind saint, poet and musician) was released by Mr. Tarun Vijay, Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, at the Vivekananda International....
The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) jointly organised a three-day global conclave ‘Samvad:Hindu-Buddhist Initiative on Conflict Avoidance and Environment Consciousness’, in collaboration with the International Buddhist Federation and t....
A book, Nehru: A Troubled Legacy, authored by Shri R.N.P. Singh, Senior Fellow, VIF, was formally released by Hon’ble Shri Vijai Kapoor, former Lieutenant Governor Delhi, at a simple ceremony held in the auditorium of Vivekananda International Foun....