Governance and Political Studies
Social Welfare and Constitutional Responsibilities of Government: An Analysis of the Current Scenario

Abstract India is considered to be the largest democracy of the world, which is governed by an elaborate and detailed written constitution. The author in this research paper has elaborately discussed the scheme of social welfare as enumerat....

What is The CBI?

So much controversy has been created over whether the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) should be under the Lokpal or not that it is time to reflect on what the CBI is. Under the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution, List 1, Entry 8 Parliament i....

Is Our Secularism Only Skin Deep?

“By his Constitutions of Clarendon he (Henry II Plantagenet) sought to fix the relationship of Church and State and to force the Church in its temporal character to submit itself to life and law of the nation.” (A History of the English speaking ....

How About Some Commonsense in Dealing with Corruption?

I joined the Indian Administrative Service more than fifty-four years ago in 1957. Government was much less complex then, but we were already into an era of planned development and increasingly the regulatory regime of the British was giving way to ....

Vimarsha - India 2021: Hazarding Guesses, Guessing Hazards by Shri Gopal Krishna Gandhi

Shri Gopal Krishna Gandhi, former Governor of West Bengal, and grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, presented his vision of India in 2021 to an enlightened audience at Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) on Nov 7, 2011. Crystal-gazing, Shri Gandhi port....

The Law is Not An Ass – Only People Are

There is a monumentally asinine serial called “The Bold and the Beautiful” which has been shown on the television for several years now. Each time an episode ends one feels that we shall now be spared any further infliction. The next episode beg....

Is Democracy another Word For Anarchy?

‘Demos’ in Greek means the people, which is why democracy means the rule of the people. Autocracy means the rule of ruling elite, monarchy means the rule of a sovereign and mobocracy means mob rule, i.e., virtual anarchy. But what exactly are th....

Promoting Administrative Acumen - Understanding ‘HIKMAT AMLI’

There is a story, alleged not to be apocryphal, about one of the districts of old CP and Berar (later Madhya Pradesh) in which the police was investigating a major case of house breaking. The police had detained a suspect and the Superintendent of P....

The Police in India

A recent incident in Kolkota has set alarm bells ringing. A rowdy crowd from the ruling Trinamul Congress in West Bengal blocked a public street during some celebrations. This led to clashes with workers of the opposition and the police intervened,....

Pakistan and Related Questions

One expected that with the British agreeing to the partition of India and creating at the behest of the Muslim League the country called Pakistan, India and Pakistan would be able to follow their different paths of government and development. Both c....

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