From Sanctions to Submarines - Myanmar, July 2019

July 2019 saw Myanmar remain in the news for a number of reasons, some negative and others not so negative. At the end of it all, though it may be a bit early to judge, it seems to be business as usual for the nation. News of the ban on the Myanm....

‘War and Peace in the Borderlands of Myanmar – The Kachin Ceasefire, 1994-2011’, Edited by Mandy Sadan, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Press, Copenhagen, Pages 517, Price $ 22.15, ISBN: 978-87-7694-18-8(hbk), 2016

This book edited by Mandy Sadan, Reader of History of South East Asia at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, focuses on the ‘inter-war period’ (to borrow a terminology associated with conventional war), in tha....

A Perspective on China Myanmar Economic Corridor and Internal Dynamics

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, as a mark of support for China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) had attended both the first and second BRI Forums held in May 2017 and April 2019 in Beijing. Undoubtedly, there were political and economic ramifications of this....

Moreh-Tamu: An Unfulfilled Potential

For India, Myanmar is a vital neighbour, located at a cusp connecting the region of South Asia to Southeast Asia. In the wake of India’s increasing engagement with the Southeast Asian neighours including the ASEAN countries, the Myanmar connect is ....

Indo-Myanmar Dialogue

A four member delegation from top think tanks of Myanmar discussed various issues under bilateral as well as regional ambit. Bilateral discussions ranged from social, economic and security issues, India’s ‘neighbours first’ policy, connectivity....

Myanmar: Challenges before Aung San Suu Kyi in 2019

Myanmar’s quasi democratic government has completed over half of its constitutionally mandated term but has to yet make a major progress in a number of areas, especially those related to political and economic reforms. While the peace and reconcili....

Interaction with Myanmar Delegation

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organised an interaction with a Myanmar delegation led by Gen. U Aung Min and comprising of five other members of Peace Development Foundation of Myanmar. Gen. U Aung Min, formerly a Minister and Chief N....

Myanmar Peace Process Inches Forward: Key Issues Remain

The third session of 21st Century Panglong Conference to fast track the peace process was held in Nay Pyi Taw from 11 to 16 July 2018. When Daw Aung San Suu Kyi led democratic government had taken over the reins of power in March 2016 she ....

Myanmar’s Armed Forces (Tatmadaw)

Historical Perspective Myanmar historically had three distinct periods. The monarchy which lasted from the 9th to the 19th century comprised, chronologically, the Pagan Dynasty, the Toungoo Dynasty and the Konbaung Dynasty. The ar....

India-Myanmar Joint Parliamentary Friendship Forum

Introduction Myanmar occupies a central position in India’s “Look East Policy” or “Act East Policy” and has received highest level political patronage under the Modi doctrine. Continuity in India’s policy has received....

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