National Security and Strategic Studies
Commemorative Seminar: India's Evolving Nuclear Posture in a Dynamic Environment

Twelve years ago, on 11 May 1998, India had conducted the Shakti series of Nuclear tests.These had taken the world by surprise and firmly catapulted India into the league of major global powers.To commemorate this seminal event, the VIF organised a s....

Managing Disasters

Gen N C Vij, Vice Chairman, National Disaster Management Authority, Government of India, delivered a talk at VIF on April 16 on “India's need, capacities and challenges of managing national disasters -- both natural and man-made”. Gen Vij also ga....

The Great Himalayan Watershed

A seminar was held at VIF on April 10, 2010 on “The Great Himalayan Watershed: Water Issues Impacting India- Perspectives and Challenges”. The seminar was organized in association with The Foundation for Non-violent Action. Speakers at the semina....

Challenges to India's Internal Security

April 2, 2010 A Memorial Lecture to celebrate the 96th Birth Anniversary of Field Marshal SHFJ Manekshaw was orgainsed jointly by the Vivekananda International Foundation and Indian Military Review, a defence magazine launched in January 201....

Climate Change Negotiations : The Challenge for Indian Diplomacy a talk by Shyam Saran, former Foreign Secretary

(Talk delivered by Shyam Saran, former foreign Secretary and till recently Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Climate Change at VIF on 19 March 2010)

Shri Ajit Doval, Director of the Vivekananda International Foundation, Ambassador Satis....

Major Glaciers Receding: Shyam Saran

Shyam Saran, former Special Envoy of the Prime Minister on India-US Nuclear Issues and Climate Change and former Foreign Secretary, says that there is “anecdotal evidence” that major glaciers have been receding. There is no precise data as to ....

Intelligence in India’s Internal Security

As an instrumentality of the state, a seemingly simple doctrine that security interests of a state are best served when addressed from a position of knowledge dominance is the mother of intelligence. Unfortunately, states often do not act in their....

No More Marching Orders

Many are seeing Friday’s supreme court directive on police reforms as the beginning of an era of good policing. Will it show India’s colonial cop the door?

Concerned that political interference and politicisation of police were eating....

Growth of Maoists Fuelled by Politicians

In November 2004 when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said that Left Wing extremism constituted “an even greater threat to India than militancy in Jammu & Kashmir and the North East”, the country took it seriously. They expected that the governm....

Changing Paradigms of National Security – Need to Transform and not Reform Intelligence Apparatus

Ever since the Chinese debacle of 1962, whenever the nation suffered any serious security setback there has been a clamoring for intelligence reforms. As if following a well rehearsed drill, Government assures urgent reforms, committees are forme....

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