National Security and Strategic Studies
The ISI’s Psychological Operations

The government has stated that recent distress migrations of northeastern Indians were triggered by electronic messages originating from Pakistan. Investigators have found that the first hints of pogrom-style killings appeared on Pakistani internet f....

Indo-European Relations: Strategic Alliances

To appreciate better the subject of India’s defence relations with Europe some reflections of a general nature would be pertinent. The point needs to be made right at the start that India does not have defence relations with Europe as such; it has ....

Illegal Migration as a Threat to India’s Internal Security

Among other things, one of the major aspects that have come out of the recent communal violence in Bodo areas of Assam is illegal migration. According to the Group of Ministers Report on National Security, illegal migration

has generated ....

Arms and The Country

European nations compete for defence ties with India When listing India’s defence partners Europe is mentioned, but it would be more accurate to speak of individual European countries as partners. Europe is unified economically bu....

Preparing for Cyberwar - A National Perspective

On November 12th, 2011 Maj. Gen. Moghaddam, the "architect" of Iran's missile program, was showing a new type of warhead for nuclear weapon capable missile Sejil 2, to a group of experts for their comments, at a site about 50 Kms from Tehran. Warhead....

Political - Civil - Military Participation in National Security

Opener Analysis of India's approach towards it's national security reveals an unacceptable hiatus between the Political -Civil- Military systems. We perhaps were lucky enough to get away thus far even despite the 1962 China debacle. Ne....

The State of Law and Order

Recently in Guwahati, the capital of Assam, a seventeen-year old girl accompanied by a male friend was accosted by a mob and for almost half an hour subjected to molestation, including physical assault, sexual molestation, disrobing and worse. There ....

Naresh Chandra Task Force’s Report on National Security: An Appraisal

The high-powered Naresh Chandra Task Force, appointed by the government last year, submitted its detailed report to the Prime Minister a couple of months ago but so far there is no indication that the report will be made public soon. We do not even k....

Abu Jundal’s Arrest and India-Saudi Arabia Counter-terrorism Cooperation

The arrest and deportation of Abu Jundal alias Abu Hamza alias Sayed Zabiuddin Ansari, a Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) handler, involved in several terror attacks in various parts of India, by Saudi Arabia is a classic case of good counter-terrorism cooperat....

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