Interaction with Chinese Scholars on the Belt & Road Initiative

With Beijing upping its diplomatic ante on its ‘Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a group of Chinese scholars, led by Amb Liu Jinsong, visited the VIF to seek support for an international conference on the BRI slated to take place in Beijing on 14 & ....

‘Trilateral India-Japan-USA Dialogue’ - The Indo-Pacific, 17 February 2017

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF), in collaboration with the US-based Hudson Institute and Japan Institute of National Fundamentals (JINF) organized a trilateral dialogue on 17 February 2017,March 08, 2017 International Relations and Diplomacy , Seminars , CPEC , Southeast Asia , China-Pakistan Economic Corridor , BRI , JINF , India-Japan-USA Dialogue , Maritime Silk Road

Interaction with Delegation from Guangdong Institute for International Strategies

A four member delegation led by Prof. Sui Guangjun, Vice President of Guangdong Institute for International Strategies and Party Secretary of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies interacted with the VIF faculty led by Amb. Satish Chandra on 25 ....

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