Smart Cities- Meeting the Managerial and Policy Challenge of Urbanization in India

Fulfilling the commitment made in the election manifesto of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to build- “100 new cities; enabled with the latest in technology and infrastructure - adhering to concepts like sustainability…”, Prime Minister Narend....

Bihar results will not impact Foreign Policy

While the impact of the Bharatiya Janata Party's electoral debacle in Bihar and the public rift between the party's "veterans" and the current leadership on the course of domestic politics is uncertain, India's foreign relations will not normally be ....

Defence Minister’s One Year Positive Record

During his first year in office, Defence Minister, Manohar Parrikar gave a free hand to the army to act pro-actively on the LoC. He led from the front and worked closely with the leadership of the armed forces, the bureaucracy and his counterparts in....

India, Vietnam, ASEAN Cooperation in Public Security and National Defence

“Our defence cooperation with Vietnam is among our most important ones. India remains committed to the modernization of Vietnam’s defence and security forces.”

---PM Narendra Modi, October 2014


Interaction with Dr William Antholis, MD, Brookings Institution

Dr William Antholis, Managing Director, Brookings Institution interacted with the VIF faculty on 09 September, 2014 on the current state of India, China and US relations and the emerging dynamics. Speaking on ‘India, China and the US- Which Way Doe....

Strategic Trends in Asia-Pacific and its Implications for India

Introduction Events that are taking place in Asia-Pacific are a sub set of what is happening in Asia in particular and at the global level in general. While there has been an on-going shift of economic power to Asia, it is also quite appar....

Interaction with Members of US Congressional Staff Delegation

A Congressional Staff Delegation from the United States, comprising Kevin Fitzpatrick, Director, Subcommittee on Middle East and South Asia, Mr. Jeremy Haldeman, Staff Director on Oversight and Investigations and Mr. Ed Stein, Professional Staff Memb....

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