Pandemic Factor in Military Organisation

Curse of the Pandemic
All-pervasive adversities brought about by the Covid-19 Pandemic have occupied, seized in fact, the universal human consciousness in a manner seen never before. That is only to be expected when the Pandemic has turn....

Appalling state of Press Freedom in Pakistan

A strained relationship exists between the media and state in Pakistan. Pakistan has gradually and systematically strengthened a tyrannical grip over freedom of expression1. More sophisticated and complex methods of silencing dissenting v....

हमास फैक्टर

लगभग एक शताब्दी पुराने फिलिस्तीनी आंदोलन की जटिल परिस्थिति के अपने आंतरिक आयाम हैं, सत्ता के ल�....

Is Taiwan’s Ongoing Drought a Wake –Up Call for the Rest of the World?

The increased frequency and severity of droughts across the globe is becoming a matter of huge concern. In 2018, the global media was flooded with the news of the capital city of Cape Town of South Africa running out of water as the city experienced ....

Foreign Secretary’s talk on Global Rebalancing and India's Foreign Policy, Vivekananda International Foundation (June 30, 2021)

Good evening. I would like to thank my senior colleague and friend Arvind Gupta, Director of the Vivekananda International Foundation, for inviting me to deliver today’s VIMARSH Talk. Let me begin by referring to something that our host for t....

What to Expect from Ebrahim Raisi Presidency in Iran

Iran’s current Chief Justice Ebrahim Raisi has been elected as the new President receiving 61.95 percent of total votes. The presidential election held on 18 June 2021 saw the lowest turnout at 48.8 percent since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Intere....

The US and NATO Withdrawal from Afghanistan and its Effect on the Afghanistan Air Force and the War

The US and coalition military forces are withdrawing from Afghanistan after 20 years. The decision was announced by the US president and the withdrawal completion date has been set as 11 Sept 2021. There were many actors which ....

चीनी आक्रमण का एक वर्ष: ऐसे नतीजे जिनकी उम्मीद नहीं थी

हमला चाहे कितना ही सोच-विचार कर किया जाए, कोई भी व्यक्ति कभी भी हमले की हार-जीत या परिणामों का सटी....

The Importance of Ethiopian Elections

The Parliamentary elections in Ethiopia held on 21 June 2021 come at a very important time for the future of Ethiopia, and the Horn of Africa. With 120 million people, Ethiopia is the second most populous African country. It was economically growing ....

Xi Jinping is Taking Steps to Avoid any Surprise by the Opposition

It would be unwise today to discount reports of opposition to Chinese President Xi Jinping. This especially since opposition to him burst into the open first in 2017-2018 when Xi Jinping abolished term limits for the top Party posts at the 18th Party....

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