… India, with its well-developed space programme, must claim her rightful place and plan for space exploration, space station … by involvement of the private sector and co-operation with like-minded nations like Japan and Israel … (She should) ....
… India, with its well-developed space programme, must claim her rightful place and plan for space exploration, space station … by involvement of the private sector and co-operation with like-minded nations like Japan and Israel … (She should) ....
27 March, 2019 will go down as the most memorable day of this decade when India demonstrated an indigenous and operational Anti-Satellite Technology (ASAT) System, the fourth nation to do so in the world after USA, Russia and China. The DRDO and ISRO....
India has finally done an Anti-Satellite Technology (ASAT) test. This was overdue as a demonstration of India’s capability – and that demonstration was done in the context of technologies of present day. The test was of a ‘kinetic kill’ of an....
Thunderstorms are frightening and a spectacular demonstration of one of the most violent phenomenon in our atmosphere. Nearly three centuries back in 1749, Benjamin Franklin through his famous kite-experiment during a thunderstorm showed that the dis....
The VIF invited Dr Prasanna Mulgaonkar, CEO, ‘Cloud Raxak’, to an interactive discussion on measures to deal with cyber-security challenges in cyber space, particularly in context to India. The important points have been highlighted in subsequent....
With the recitation of peace mantra, the monthly tradition of Vimarsha was flagged off on 11th February 2019, at the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) with a discussion on ‘Digital Innovation and Disruption in India’, which was spearhead....
China’s President Xi in his opening speech at the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing in May 2017 had called for a “digital silk road” which intended to provide a space for Chinese tech companies to expand their activities in countries who are part ....
At the annual Indian Science Congress (ISC) conference in January 2015, a paper co-authored by two academics claimed that aircraft had not only been manufactured during the Vedic period but also that these planes were far superior to the ones we have....
On 02 Nov 2018, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has issued the Civil Aviation Requirements (CARs) governing the use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) by civilians in the National Air Space. A time period of one month has b....