National Security and Strategic Studies
London Bridge Attack: An Islamic State-Inspired Knife Terror Attack

“We are resolute, we stand United in the face of terrorism, and we will not allow anybody to divide us”. - Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London. On 29 November 2019, a 28 years-old British terrorist identified as Usman Khan—a British cit

Finally, Islamic State’s “Caliph” is “Dead”! – An Initial Assessment

“No group or nation should mistake America’s intentions: We will not rest until terrorist groups of global reach have been found, have been stopped, and have been defeated.” – Former US President George W. Bush (06 November 2001)1

The Killing of Abu Bakral-Baghdadi: Implications

On 27th October President Trump of the United States announced the killing of Al Baghdadi and claimed that his was a bigger achievement than that of a similar capture and killing of Osama bin Laden, believed to be the inspiration, if not the master

Counter-Terrorism Framework of the United Nations and India’s Approach of De-Radicalisation1

Due to lack of an internationally accepted definition, terrorism continues to haunt every nation in the World. The perspective of terrorism differs from a nation to nation; therefore, every country has its own definition and

Modi Government 2.0: Sure Footed Firmness vis-a-vis Pakistan

India, following the re-election of the Modi Government, is to be commended for its sure footed firmness in its dealings with Pakistan. Pakistan's repeated feelers for a resumption of talks have been rebuffed on the eminently legitimate ground th

Burkina Faso to Indonesia : ‘Glocal’ Jihad of Brand ISIS

It’s not just the spread of capital, goods and services which go in tandem with globalisation. The spread of terror is also a part of multifarious activities that globalisation proliferates. Information is one instrument which facilitates dissemina

The Sri Lanka Attacks and the Threat Within

The Easter Sunday carnage in Sri Lanka that killed more than 250 people1 last month caught many by surprise2. The island nation had been enjoying a period of relative peace and stability since the civil war came to an end with t

Re-emergence of Islamic State’s Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

On Saturday, April 27, 2019, Islamic State’s (IS) central media outlet, Al-Furqan, released an 18-minute propaganda video featuring its ‘underground’ leader and self-proclaimed ‘Caliph Ibrahim’, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.1 It was the

Terror Strike in Sri Lanka: Expanding Footprints of Jihadist Movement in the Indian Subcontinent

Gauging the Current State of the Jihadist Movement1
In the 20th Century, the world confronted three totalitarian revolutionary movements: Nazism; communism; and fascism. Now the world is under assault from a fourth such movemen

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