National Security and Strategic Studies
The Rose of Tora Bora

International terrorism will not be wiped out with Osama bin Laden, who had long ceased to be its driving force What is more important than Osama bin Laden’s elimination is the place where he was hiding. No remote mountain fastness concea

Attrition Abbottabad

Osama bin Laden’s killing may have closed one chapter, but the list of Af-Pak issues is long. The US has to depend on Pakistan, but question its reliability. However emotionally satisfying for many the slaughter of Osama bin Laden, it sho

Need to move step by step

Good sense dictates that we remain open to the possibility of settling our differences with Pakistan, but common sense demands that we do not anxiously chase solutions. We seem to believe that our over-display of readiness to engage Pakistan will goa

The ‘Londonistan’ Phenomenon and UK Intelligence

Abstract This paper aims to explain how and why London came to be a hub for Pan-Islamist jihadism during the 1990s. It posits that the origins of the ‘Londonistan’ phenomenon lie in a long British tradition of using intelligence to obta

Knowing when not to talk

The ministry of external affairs press release of February 10, and our foreign secretary’s press conference of February 8, clearly indicate that the latter and her Pakistani counterpart agreed at Thimphu to resume the stalled India-Pakistan dialogu

India’s Shameful Sellout at Thimphu

Cut through the claptrap of diplomatese and it is clear that the Manmohan Singh government has accepted all of Pakistan’s demands and put the Composite Dialogue back on the rails; only the word ‘composite’ has been replaced by words like ‘com

Internal Security – Need for Course Correction

India is on a surge; a great destiny awaits it. If there is one single factor that could negate or retard it, it will be its failure to govern itself. Ensuring safety and security of its people, upholding the rule of law, managing change with order a

Cure for the ‘International Migraine’

A perusal of the US embassy cables made public by Wikileaks makes it clear that while the US has all the information and intelligence about the double-game being played by Pakistan, it finds itself clueless, even helpless, in bringing to an end this

Sohrabuddin Case and Police Encounters: Realities and Myths

Beware of half truths — because you may be holding the wrong half. After having seen and read so much about the Sohrabuddin episode in the last five years, one might believe one knows it all. Sohrabuddin is now cast as an innocent victim of police

Manipur’s Disturbing Downslide of Terrorism, Law and Order and Corruption-2009 and 2010

“When Jammu and Kashmir was blockaded a couple of years ago the matter kept the Government and media preoccupied for months. Manipur has been blockaded for at least a month and a half, without any respite-people are starving, there are no medicines

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