International Relations/Diplomacy
समझना रूस-अमेरिका संबंधों के रुझानों को

रूस का पश्चिमी देशों के साथ संबंध तेजी से बिगड़ता जा रहा है। दोनों पक्षों के नेताओं को बोली-बानी

Understanding the Trends in Russia US Relations

Russia’s relations with the West are deteriorating rapidly. The rhetoric from the top leaders on both sides has been sharp and uncharitably harsh. They have expelled diplomats from each others’ countries. On 19th March, in a TV interview, Pre

Russia-Pakistan Relationship is a Red Herring

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov’s visit to India on 5-6 April 2021 was devoted to the preparation for President Putin’s visit to India later this year for the regular summit with Prime Minister Modi. Undoubtedly, India Russia relations are de

Narrative of an Aggressive Russia Needs to be Countered

In the midst of shifting global strategic equations, the Biden administration would do well to have a fresh look and properly prioritize the present and future challenges to US interests, power and influence. In the emerging order, a candid dialogue

Russia Joins the Race for AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the connected emerging technologies are shaping the economies, militaries as well as the geopolitics of the world. It is no surprise, therefore, that country after country is joining the race to produce, acquire, deve

How is Suga Crafting Japan’s Policies towards Russia?

After Yoshihide Suga became Japan’s Prime Minister following the sudden resignation of Prime Minister Abe Shinzo with little experience in foreign diplomacy, questions were raised if he would be competent to handle Japan’

RCEP Puts New Life in APEC

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), has rolled back to life with the 2020 virtual Summit chaired by Malaysia on 17 November. There was no Summit last year as the host, Chile, suffered from internal political problems making it impossible to

Russia-China Harmony: One Sided Compromise under Compulsion?

“Russia may face wars on its borders in the near future over control of energy resources”, a Security Policy document released by Kremlin on May 13, 2009 stated. It went on to add “In a competition for resources, problems

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