Neighbourhood Studies
Post-election turmoil within Nepalese politics

Nepal politics never has a dull moment. From elections to government formation to maintaining the government, each aspect of Nepal politics is nothing short of a thriller. In 2022, Nepal held its second local, provincial and federal elections since t

Assessment of the Nepal Elections 2022

The year 2022 witnessed elections at all three levels of government in Nepal. These were the second elections held at each level since the Nepalese Constitution that was enacted in the year 2015. Nepal has had a tumultuous past in terms of its politi

नेपाल की वाम सरकार पर चीन का दबाव

चीनी दबाव
नेपाल में हाल ही में वाम गठबंधन की सरकार के बनते ही पड़ोसी मुल्क चीन ने नेपाल में अप

Making sense of Nepal Elections

New government has been formed in Nepal after much anticipation with Prachanda as the Prime Minister. Leading 170 members in 275 member House of Representatives, his party Nepal Communist Party (Maoist Centre) [NCP(MC)] has allied with KP Sharma Oli

Security Challenges along Indo-Nepal Border Regions

Nepal holds a crucial role in India’s security not merely on account of its size, natural resources and population, but more so due to its November 21, 2022 Neighbourhood Studies, Nepal, Commentary, India, Nepal, Border, infiltration, surveillance, Militants, Armed Police Force, SSB

Energy: A New Dimension in India-Nepal Relations

Nepal’s Energy Export to India
Recently, the Nepal Electricity Authority said in a statement that in the last four months, Nepal exported electricity worth US$ 56 million to India, estimated to reach the US $ 234 million in December 202

वन चाइना पालिसी के परिप्रेक्ष्य में नेपाल से चीन चिंताएं

हाल में संपन्न हुई अमेरिकी हाउस स्पीकर नैंसी पेलोसी की ताइवान यात्रा से चीन के आतंरिक शांति एव�

नेपाल सेना और एसपीपी-कई बारीक अंतर

नेपाल की सेना संयुक्त राष्ट्र शांति रक्षक मिशन के लिए एक सबल-सक्षम भागीदार के रूप में उभरी है। द

Nepal Army and SPP – Multiple Nuances

Nepal Army has emerged as a capable provider for UN Peace Keeping missions. The country’s Peacekeeping contingents as well as leaders have demonstrated professional competence standing tall amongst contemporaries from other nations in multinational

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