International Relations/Diplomacy
The Leadership Summit will Consolidate the Quad

The historic leadership summit of the Quad counties held on 12th March 2021 was a milestone in the evolution of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue which was set up back in 2007 and revived in 2017. Hosted by US President Joe Biden, Indian Prime Mini

India’s Cyber Deterrence Against China

Cyber Threats from China: Chinese Offensive Capabilities and Modus Operandi
China raised cyber war units way back in 20031. Major objectives of these units has been cyber surveillance, manipulating network data, disseminating p

Quad Summit: An Opportunity to Define the Contours of the Post Covid Indo-Pacific

Indian Prime Minister Modi, US President Biden, Prime Minister Scott Morrisonof Australia and Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga of Japan will hold the first summit level meeting of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, popularly known as the Quad, on 12 M

The Indo-Pacific: A Pause in the Game

The State of Play
As a Covid-wounded global community steps gingerly into 2021, a year ‘trumpeting’ a change of guard in the US, the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and an ongoing military stand-off between India and Chi

Analysing Biden’s Interim National Security Strategic Guidance

The US has come out with an Interim National Security Strategic Guidance on 03 March 2021 that will not only form the basis for Biden administration’s National Security Strategy but also would find its reflection in the forthcoming US Budget and es

Japan’s Dilemma in Dealing with the Junta in Myanmar

The military takeover of the democratically elected government and the dubious civilian-military power sharing agreement has been criticised by the global community. At a time when Myanmar was navigating through its nascent d

CPEC: Chinese ‘Dragon’ in Pakistan’s ‘Tent'

On Monday, 22 Feb 2021, Pakistan’s Cabinet Committee on China-Pakistan Economic Corridor [CCoCPEC] instructed Ministries of Defence and Interior to ensure that Pakistan Navy and the Coast Guards immediately vacate 116 acres of real estate in Gwadar

Developments in Xinjiang

Join Prof Srikanth Kondapalli and Dr Teshu Singh as they review the developments in Xinjiang