International Relations/Diplomacy
Floodgates Open in Japanese Politics after Suga’s Exit

In a surprise announcement on 3 September, days after Tokyo Olympics 2020 ended, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga announced that he will not run in the upcoming Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) presidential election scheduled for 29 September. This means

A Tale of Two Cities: Dacca March 12, 1972 and Kabul August 30, 2021

Two Events Separated by Five Decades and One and half Thousands Miles
Since the time the US decided to leave Afghanistan the media is full of its coverage and resultant reverberations across the world. Everyone agrees that it is too early

Taliban Triumph in Afghanistan and India’s Counter-Terrorism Policy against Islamist Extremism in Africa

On 15th August, 2021, in a dramatic turn of events, Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan, was taken over by the Taliban insurgent groups. While the collapse of Afghanistan government and its national army was somewhat predictable once the US announ

The QUAD Navies Exercise for the Second Time

In the 2021 edition of the Exercise Malabar, the navies of India, US, Japan and Australia came together during 26-29 August for the sea phase. This year makes the second year when Ex. Malabar was conducted in its expanded form. Nowhere is it being o

China’s Future Road to Afghanistan

The lightning speed with which the Taliban took over Afghanistan on August 15, 2021, has enthralled the experts around the globe.1 There are lot of speculations that are taking place, on what went wrong and how even after twenty years of r

Explained: What did Kamala Harris’ visit to Singapore and Vietnam Reveal?

Even as the US President Joe Biden is facing another big challenge in Afghanistan following his decision to withdraw troops and takeover by the Taliban, Biden’s foreign policy challenge in the Indo-Pacific front has no less diminished. China remain

CPPCC Chairman Wang Yang’s Visit to Tibet Autonomous Region is Important

The 3-day (August 18-20, 2021) visit to Lhasa by Wang Yang, Politburo Standing Committee member and Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), at the head of a 22-member delegation is important. The visit follows th

War, Nationalism and Yasukuni Shrine

Yasukuni Jinja1, as the famous Shinto shrine is known is a quiet, serene and idyllic place in the middle of Tokyo’s Chiyoda-Ku. Local neighbouring residents, school children, young and elderly visit every day some time to pray and someti

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