महात्मा गांधी जी का जन्म 2 अक्टूबर 1869 ईस्वी में हुआ था। यह उल्लेखनीय है कि उनके जन्म के 150 वर्षों क�
महात्मा गांधी जी का जन्म 2 अक्टूबर 1869 ईस्वी में हुआ था। यह उल्लेखनीय है कि उनके जन्म के 150 वर्षों क�
Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869. It is remarkable that even after 150 years people read and study Gandhi in the hope that they will find answers to contemporary problems. This is testimony to the universalism of Gandhi’s ideas. On Gandhi Jay
भारतीय इतिहासकारों ने देश के इतिहास में स्वामी विवेकानंद के सही स्थान और आधुनिक भारत के निर्मा
On August 5, 2020, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation for the construction of the Ram Mandir at Ayodhya in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. The temple will be 235 feet wide, 300 feet long and 161 feet high with five domes. It w
Swami Vivekananda’s true place in Indian history, his contribution in the making of modern India has not been duly assessed by Indian historians. It is impossible to fully assess the extent of his impact on the course of national or even world even
अयोध्या में 5 अगस्त 2020 को राम मंदिर भूमि पूजन के मौके पर प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के बीज भाषण मे�
Prime Minster Modi’s seminal speech on the occasion of Ram Mandir Bhumi Poojan at Ayodhya on 5 August 2020 had several messages which need to be understood and analysed. The start of the construction of the Ram temple is a watershed moment in indep
The history of the Muslim world’s engagement with Yoga spans at least about a millennium. The purpose of this essay is to briefly recount some high points in this history, which will help put in perspective the historical interactions between Islam
Three consignments of African Pangolin scales have been recently seized at ports in two Southeast Asian countries. On the first day of April, port authorities in Port Kelang, Malaysia confiscated six tons of the contraband packed in a shipping contai
As we stand amidst a crisis owing to the pandemic caused by the rapid spread of the deadly corona virus, there lie shrouded in ignorance and oversight immense learning for the world from Indian Food Ethics- a discipline where ethics and food collide<