चार महीने पहले द्रमुक नेता एम के स्टालिन ने चेतावनी दी थी कि यदि केंद्र सरकार तमिलनाडु में राजम�
चार महीने पहले द्रमुक नेता एम के स्टालिन ने चेतावनी दी थी कि यदि केंद्र सरकार तमिलनाडु में राजम�
The Buddhist World lacks an effective mechanism to help save a Buddhist Nation in Danger Colombo, Sri Lanka -- The crisis facing the Buddhist world is neither a decline in religious conviction nor an apprehension
On 24th March, 2017, the residents of an enclave in Greater Noida allegedly barged into a flat occupied by Nigerian students accusing them of kidnapping and murder of an 17 year-old boy. The mob searched their refrigerator for the remains of a youth.
2013 One wrote in 2013 about “Europe Going Down”, that ‘as Europe goes down we need to be prepared for consequences’. To quote: “The European economic and social crisis is becoming worse with each passing day”. One bus
जब 9/11 की तबाही हुई, उस दौरान मैं विश्व बैंक में बतौर कार्यकारी निदेशक वर्ल्ड वाशिंगटन डी सी में थ�
It was during my tenure as Executive Director, World Bank, at Washington DC, that the catastrophe of 9/11 took place. In the aftermath of the tragedy, it became fashionable for every think-tank to discuss two questions: ‘What went wrong?’
पिछले करीब तीसेक साल में अमेरिकी चुनावों में ईसा मसीह की अहमियत काफी बढ़ गई है। ऐसा तब है, जब ईसा�
In the last 30 or so years the importance of Jesus in US elections has increased substantially. This is in a situation where Christianity– in the church going /family values sense– has seen a decline. The number of birth out of wedlock has increa
The current rage in Indian archaeology is foreign collaboration. One of the reasons why this has become popular is that it imposes no intellectual and logistical burden on the Indian collaborator. The problems of the necessary fund and the research
Wendy Doniger is once again back in news, as always, for the wrong reasons. This time the Penguin decided to withdraw her book rather than face the criminal charges in the court of law. For those who may not be fully aware of the facts of the matter,