Governance and Political Studies
Governments That Work - I : Primary Health Care Finally Takes Off in the States

A combination of fortuitous circumstances – high rates of economic growth coupled with spiraling government revenues; the information revolution; Panchayati Raj; public-private partnership; and the emergence of political leaders who are determined

Governments That Work - II : The Mid-Day Meal, Ladli Lakshmi and the Bicycle for the Girl Child are Worthy of Emulation

Thinking out-of-the-box, politicians and bureaucrats are coming up with innovative ideas in many states to effectively tackle problems that have dogged Indian society for decades. It is indeed heartening to see the range of programmes and the clever

The Right to Reject all Candidates

The demand that voters should have the right to reject all the candidates in a constituency is now picking up with many non-government organizations and even the Election Commission supporting the idea. The proposal is to give electors the choice to

Caste-based Census back on national discourse

Amid a plethora of problems facing India, the sudden clamour for caste-based census by political parties in and outside parliament has brought the sensitive subject back on national discourse. After a heated debate in the Lok Sabha on the last two da

Should our tryst with EVMs end?

Many Indians, who are now used to electronic voting, are surprised to note that voters in the United Kingdom, who recently exercised their franchise in the parliamentary election, had to stamp their preference on ballot papers.They wonder why an adva

Ethics in Governance - The Government has Promises to Keep

“You must be the change you wish to see in this world. As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves”. The report of the Second Ad

Compulsory Voting - An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Mr.Deenanath Kushwaha of the Samajwadi Party won the Deoria seat in the election held in May, 2007 to elect a new state assembly in the Northern state of Uttar Pradesh. So, what?, you would think. Mr.Kushwaha’s success would certainly be a worthles

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