Governance and Political Studies
India and the Geopolitics of Higher Education

The third anniversary of the National Education Policy (2020) coincided with Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi inaugurating the 'Akhil Bhartiya Shiksha Samagam' at Bharat Mandapam in Delhi on 29th July 2023.August 04, 2023
Swamitva Yojana: Another Crucial Instrument of Rural Empowerment in India

The Government of India launched the Swamitva Yojana, also known as the "Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas" scheme. With the intention of giving rural property owners legal papers and facilitating the developm

The 1937 Act divided India. Will UCC integrate it?

The BJP’s articulators’ understanding of the UCC doesn’t seem to go to the deep, sordid historical origins of the UCC. After the 1937 Act was passed, the Muslim League emerged as a Muslim mass party and began challenging the unchallenged Gan

1937 Shariat Act – For Muslims or for Jinnah and the Zamindars?

The 1937 Act, the joint strategy of the British and the League, was driven by political expediency rather than a desire to enforce Islamic Sharia. Less than a week after the opposition parties met in Patna to oppose him, Narendra Modi threw a huge

Recalling the pre-March 24, 1940 Idea of India

But answers to such questions, important as they are, will hardly capture the deeper vision that underlies Modi’s Sengol mission. Why did Narendra Modi choose to recall the August 14-15, 1947 midnight history of Sengol now? Why did he time it

Sengol – Obliterate history, deny after discovery

"The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history,” said George Orwell. The latest Indian example of how Orwell’s dictum works is the obliteration of the Sengol ceremony from the history

Mukhyamantri Balika Cycle Yojana

Education of women is essential for a just society as well as for accelerating social transformation. Despite significant progress in reducing the gender gap in education, several obstacles still prevent women in developing nations from building up t

Critical Gaps in Atmanirbhar India

Atmanirbhar Bharat requires much more than just local sourcing- and that local sourcing itself is a function of availability of indigenous technology. This remains the most critical gap in the realization of Atmanirbharta which is so necessary

World Environment Day: Sustainable Lifestyle is the Key to Protect Our Environment

Every year, the world celebrates “World Environment Day” on 5th June. Led by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), it is the largest global platform for environmental public outreach and is celebrated by millions of people across the

“Professors of Practice” (PoP) for India’s Educational Institutions; UGC Launches Portal

UGC has launched an online portal to facilitate the recruitment of industry experts as “Professors of Practice” (PoP) for India's education institutions. This move is expected to reduce the gap between academia and industry in different domains.

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