Economic Studies
Covid-19: Can it be the Sputnik Moment for India?

History often tells us that the best in you comes out in the worst of circumstances. At times devastations caused both by man and nature has impelled people and nations to rebuild from the ruins. There is no dearth of instances when people have rise

Covid-19 and Indian Economy

Epidemic is inversely proportional to economic enterprise and growth in any country. Likewise, any pandemic has a penchant to puncture the global economic growth. Corona virus will lead to recession and economic collapse if corrective measures with r

The China Factor in RCEP

After seven years of negotiations, the 16 participating states in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement issued a statement on 4 November 2019 at Bangkok, conveying that 15 of the participating states had concluded text-base

Brexit and UK Elections

The Brexit debate has spilled over from Parliament to vote in elections. British Prime Minister Johnson suffered an initial set-back when Parliament voted Letwin Amendment on 19th October to delay Brexit deal by a vote of 322 to 306 until after it

Potential Paradigms of Connectivity: The Vladivostok Summit

The annual Summit mechanism between India and Russia, established during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s first visit to India in October 2000, marks its 20th anniversary on 4-5 September 2019 in Vladivostok. Today, Vladivostok is Russia’s

An India-US Trade War Now?

The United States, under President Trump, has been at loggerheads with a long list of countries on trade related issues. This includes China, Canada, Mexico and India. The European Union has also suffered. In fact, the Trump administration has used t

Moreh-Tamu: An Unfulfilled Potential

For India, Myanmar is a vital neighbour, located at a cusp connecting the region of South Asia to Southeast Asia. In the wake of India’s increasing engagement with the Southeast Asian neighours including the ASEAN countries, the Myanmar connect is

Dissecting Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030

Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 document notes that the path to their future lies in three pillars, i.e., its status as the centre of the Muslim and Arab world; its desire to emerge as a global investment powerhouse and as the epicentre of trade connect

Italy-EU-BRI- An Uncomfortable Triumvirate

The Belt and Road initiative (BRI) has taken a lot of criticism from financial institutions as well from some of the countries which had endorsed it when the project was launched in 2013. While the momentum of the BRI in Asia might have slowed down,

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मौजूदा वैश्विक राजनीतिक उथल-पुथल की कड़ियां अब सुस्त पड़ती वैश्विक अर्थव्यवस्था से जुड़ती जा �

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