नेपाल में 1951 में राणा के निरंकुश शासन के अंत के बाद से देश के पास सात बार संविधान थे। फिर भी, कोई सं
नेपाल में 1951 में राणा के निरंकुश शासन के अंत के बाद से देश के पास सात बार संविधान थे। फिर भी, कोई सं
A sizeable chunk of the population in Nepal, including the Madheshis, Janajatis and Dalits have been raising their concerns about an identity crisis. They feel that they are not being treated equally by the state in the matter of their representation
“Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose” which means, the more things change, the more they stay the same. The quote poignantly underscores the precarious situation of Pakistan, as it teeters from one to crisis to another. Every year the trou
10 months after the military coup, India made its first outreach to Myanmar. The Indian Foreign Secretary, Harsh Shringla's visit in the month of December 2021 was a significant step. To discuss India's engagement with Myanmar and whether India shou
The Imran Khan government has produced the country’s first ever National Security Policy (NSP) document that outlines Pakistan’s approach to national security and provides guidance to the government departments. A public version of the document h
Ever since the end of the autocratic Rana regime in Nepal in 1951, the country has had seven constitutions. Yet, none of the constitutions survived for more than a decade or so in this country. During the last seven decades, the country witnessed dif
इमरान खान की सरकार फिसलन भरी है। नए डीजी आइएसआइ की नियुक्ति के एक अनोखे मामले पर सरकार और सेना क�
In the present century, social media has become a battleground to provide authenticity and validation for oneself as well as to produce hatred and discontent for others. Since the rise of the Arab Spring, the role of social media in spreading democra