Commentaries & Articles
The US Nuclear Posture Review : Prompt Global Strike System

Towards Global Zero: Seeking Conventional Alternatives ? In Sep 2008, a report entitled “National Security and Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century”, was jointly released by the US Department of Defense and the Department of Energy. Thi....

Prime Minister’s Visit to J&K : June 7-8, 2010

Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh’s two day (June 7/8, 2010) visit to Srinagar is being generally described as rather uneventful. In UPA-II avatar, this was his second visit to the state, the earlier one being in October 2009. It may be mentioned....

Governments That Work - I : Primary Health Care Finally Takes Off in the States

A combination of fortuitous circumstances – high rates of economic growth coupled with spiraling government revenues; the information revolution; Panchayati Raj; public-private partnership; and the emergence of political leaders who are determined ....

Governments That Work - II : The Mid-Day Meal, Ladli Lakshmi and the Bicycle for the Girl Child are Worthy of Emulation

Thinking out-of-the-box, politicians and bureaucrats are coming up with innovative ideas in many states to effectively tackle problems that have dogged Indian society for decades. It is indeed heartening to see the range of programmes and the clever ....

The Right to Reject all Candidates

The demand that voters should have the right to reject all the candidates in a constituency is now picking up with many non-government organizations and even the Election Commission supporting the idea. The proposal is to give electors the choice to ....

Caste-based Census back on national discourse

Amid a plethora of problems facing India, the sudden clamour for caste-based census by political parties in and outside parliament has brought the sensitive subject back on national discourse. After a heated debate in the Lok Sabha on the last two da....

Guest Column : Tackling the Naxal Insurgency

The Naxal Insurgency started in the tiny thatched hut village of Naxalbari in 1967 by Charu Mazumdar and Kanu Sanyal. By 1969, it had spread all over West Bengal. The main cause was economic, rampant poverty. The insurgency had, by 1969, spread to th....

Tackling Maoism - Hopes of A Political Consensus

Though, as always, valuable time of parliament was lost in disruptions and political bickering, the just concluded Budget Session had one significant outcome – the emergence of a consensus across the political divide on the need for firm measures t....

Manipur’s Disturbing Downslide of Terrorism, Law and Order and Corruption-2009 and 2010

“When Jammu and Kashmir was blockaded a couple of years ago the matter kept the Government and media preoccupied for months. Manipur has been blockaded for at least a month and a half, without any respite-people are starving, there are no medicines....

Left Wing Extremism – The Threat and Response

Six years back, when on November 4, 2004, the Prime Minister proclaimed Left Wing Extremism as the biggest threat confronting the nation that had to be dealt at ‘war footing’, it had a ring of resolve of a freshly elected government to take the b....

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