Commentaries & Articles
Pakistan's Military Exercise AZM-E-NAU: Need To Monitor Scale and Scope

Pakistan’s Director General of Military Training(DGMT) Maj Gen Muzzammal Hussein and the DGISPR, Maj Gen Athar Abbas at a recent joint press conference in Rawalpindi outlined the details of a large scale Military Exercise code named Azm-e-N....

Compulsory Voting - An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Mr.Deenanath Kushwaha of the Samajwadi Party won the Deoria seat in the election held in May, 2007 to elect a new state assembly in the Northern state of Uttar Pradesh. So, what?, you would think. Mr.Kushwaha’s success would certainly be a worthles....

Naxalism: Need to Revisit Basics

Just because you are a hammer, every problem is not a nail. Left extremist problem is serious but use of Army is no solution. We first need to understand the nature and ingredients of the problem. Naxalism is a variant of Fourth Generation Warfare (4....

Tectonic Shift in India’s Pak policy

The recent CNN-IBN interview of Mr M.K. Narayanan, the nation­al security adviser (NSA), in defence of the government's assertions on Pakistan-sponsored terrorism, including the setting up of the anti terrorism mecha­nism, has added to the wides....

Intelligence in India’s Internal Security

As an instrumentality of the state, a seemingly simple doctrine that security interests of a state are best served when addressed from a position of knowledge dominance is the mother of intelligence. Unfortunately, states often do not act in their....

A Strategic Setback for India - Reg. Havana Statement India - Pakistan

Pakistan’s military leadership may consider Havana statement a dividend for the terror attacks in India  India has suffered its first strategic setback in the fight against terrorism by certifying that Pakistan is not an aggressor but ....

No More Marching Orders

Many are seeing Friday’s supreme court directive on police reforms as the beginning of an era of good policing. Will it show India’s colonial cop the door? Concerned that political interference and politicisation of police were eating....

If Sharif Comes Back

For Musharraf, the Supreme Court decision allowing the return of the exiled Nawaz Sharif could mean a disaster. It turns upside down the delicately nuanced American-backed rescue plan to bail out Musharraf in the face of nationwide protests for en....

Needed: War on Error

Hyderabad blasts were waiting to happen; why they weren’t prevented is a longer story of deliberate diversion. For nations, it matters what happens to them; but the course of their history is often determined less by what happened and m....

Growth of Maoists Fuelled by Politicians

In November 2004 when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said that Left Wing extremism constituted “an even greater threat to India than militancy in Jammu & Kashmir and the North East”, the country took it seriously. They expected that the governm....

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