Commentaries & Articles
Ethics Committees of our Parliament: The Mallya and Rahul conundrum

I am sure many of you may be smiling on seeing Ethics and our Parliament in the same sentence. But believe me. Both houses of parliament have ethics committee and the Rajya Sabha one is older of the two. It was the first among the two Houses to fo....

How can we be not Proud of Our Flag

The last fortnight has seen an intense debate over the unfortunate happenings in some university campuses including Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and Jadavpur, where some students raised anti-national slogans, challenged the unity and integrity o....

Housing for all by 2022- The Vision and Challenges

September 2015 witnessed a momentous gathering of 193 member states of the United Nations in New York for the “Summit on Sustainable Development”. After three days of intense deliberations, on 25th September, they unanimously adopted ....

Chennai Flood Disaster Catastrophe of December 2015-Are you listening?

The worst is over and the city of Chennai is getting back to normalcy after the unprecedented flood catastrophe of December 2015. The whole country applauds the exceptional grit and grace with which the citizens of Chennai fought the fury of the floo....

Smart Cities- Meeting the Managerial and Policy Challenge of Urbanization in India

Fulfilling the commitment made in the election manifesto of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to build- “100 new cities; enabled with the latest in technology and infrastructure - adhering to concepts like sustainability…”, Prime Minister Narend....

Being A Citizen Soldier or A Soldier Citizen

The recently concluded One Rank One Pension agitation by Veterans of the Armed Forces had me thinking of various aspects of the armed forces itself. Having grown up as an army brat, I spoke to quite a few people about the agitation itself. What I dis....

NITI Aayog

In an effort to restructure the growth vehicle of the nation, Sh. Narendra Modi has announced a paradigm shift from the erstwhile Planning Commission to a new institution named ‘NITI Aayog’ or the National institute of Transforming Indi....

Congress’ s Leadership Crisis: The Saviour Will Come

There is a well known song from an old Hindi film, with a catchy melody whose opening words are “Aayega aanewala, aayaga, aayega, aayega”. What these words literally mean is that he who is to come will come. If one goes back to the Sudan of the ....

Nehru, The Public Sector And The Modern Economy

When India became independent in 1947 it inherited a system of government which even today holds good. The basics of democracy and parliamentary government, separation of powers which gave the judiciary total autonomy in its own sphere, disciplined....

Reforming Parliament

Article 79 of the Constitution provides for a Parliament for the Union consisting of the President, House of the People (Lok Sabha) and the Council of States (Rajya Sabha). Our bicameral Parliament thus shapes itself on Westminster, where Parliament ....

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