Prime Minister Imran Khan has approved the setting up of the National Intelligence Coordination Committee (NICC), a senior security source said on Monday. The new body would be led by the director general of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), who would function as its chairman. Click here to read... [2]
President Ghani addressed a side event of the Geneva summit on Monday where he explained the ways through which can improve its economy and reiterated that the country does not want charity; it wants connectivity. Ghani said that Afghanistan’s dream is to become a roundabout for the region. Click here to read... [3]
Cabinet Secretary Khandker Anwarul Islam has said, the government is thinking of enforcing tough punishment for not wearing masks. “Directions have been given to make the punishment tougher if fines are not enough,” the cabinet secretary said at a briefing following the weekly cabinet meeting at the secretariat on Monday afternoon. Click here to read... [4]
Indian Foreign Secretary Harsha Bardhan Shringala looks set to return to New Delhi with a heavy briefcase, as Kathmandu prepares its agenda for his two-day visit to Nepal on November 26-27. Kathmandu and Delhi on Monday afternoon, almost simultaneously, officially announced Shringala’s two-day visit to Nepal. Click here to read... [5]
Leader of the United National Party, Ranil Wickremesinghe has turned down a request by party seniors to take up the national list seat in Parliament, stating it should be given to a younger member of the party, the Daily Mirror learns. In a meeting held in Sirikotha yesterday, party seniors had signed a letter, requesting Mr. Wickremesinghe to take up the seat, but the UNP Leader had declined it saying it should be given to a younger memberClick here to read... [6]
[7] Neighbourhood News Digest: November 24, 2020&desc=&images=&u=
[8] Neighbourhood News Digest: November 24, 2020&url= Power
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