The Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Tuesday directed former prime minister Nawaz Sharif to appear before the court and surrender to the authorities by September 10 or face legal proceedings for absconsion. A division bench of the high court comprising Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani and Justice Aamer Farooq also directed the deputy attorney general to verify the medical condition of Mr Sharif through the Pakistani High Commission in London. Click here to read... [2]
According to estimates by the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL), 24 metric tons of saffron will be produced in the country this year. A ministry spokesman says that information gathered from across the country shows that saffron yields are rising. “Saffron production in Afghanistan is expected to reach around 24 metric tons this year,” said Akbar Rustami, the ministry spokesman. Click here to read... [3]
Industries Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun on Monday said the ministry was working on producing Bangladesh’s own brand of motor vehicles. “Pragoti Industries Limited, a state-owned company, will manufacture the automobiles with technical assistance from Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan. To this end, the Automobile Industry Development Policy 2020 will be finalized very soon,” he said.
With the coronavirus spikes showing no sign of abating anytime soon, Nepal is likely to remain shut for foreign tourists until the end of this year. But as the country is bracing for a major festival season, there is a high chance of people’s movement, not just within the country but also internationally. Officials at the Tourism Ministry say given the festive season, which will mean Nepalis in hordes will be arriving, it will be difficult to manage foreign tourists in light of the rising number of Covid-19 cases. Click here to read... [4] Justice Ministry Secretary M.M.P.K. Mayadunne has referred the draft of the proposed 20th Amendment to the Constitution to the Attorney General for his observations, the AG’s Coordinating Officer Nishara Jayaratne said yesterday. Click here to read... [5]NEPAL
With no clear plan from government, Nepal may remain closed for tourists until 2020-end: The Kathmandu Post
Draft of 20A sent to AG: Daily Mirror
[6] Neighbourhood News Digest: September 2, 2020&desc=&images=&u=
[7] Neighbourhood News Digest: September 2, 2020&url= Power
[8] whatsapp://send?text=