Dr Klaus Lange and Dr Klara Knapp, both from the Institute of Transnational Studies, Munich, visited Vivekananda International Foundation on Jun 22, 2011 for an informal discussion on the evolving dynamics in Af-Pak region, especially from an European perspective. They interacted with senior faculty members of VIF which included among others Mr. Ajit Doval, Director, Lt Gen RK Sawhney, and Brig Vinod Anand. The views presented by Dr. Klaus Lange underscored Europe’s declining interests in managing global affairs, largely because of its increasingly fragile economy. His presentation also pointed to the growing Trans-Atlantic divide over several issues, including the continued relevance of NATO. He further said that the idea that Europe has to be defended in Afghanistan has become obsolete. In so far as the European Union is concerned, the Af-Pak region is unlikely to occupy a place of strategic significance for any foreseeable future because Europe is currently focused on its economic revival. Lt. Gen RK Sawhney, Distinguished Fellow observed that some military clout was essential for any country aspiring to remain economically powerful. The implications of China’s ascent as well as the rise of radical Islam in a larger global context were among other issues which came up prominently during the interaction. Director VIF, Mr. Ajit Doval sought to explore possibilities for cooperation between India and some European countries, especially Germany in the sphere of technology.
[1] https://www.vifindia.org/event/report/2011/06/24/Interaction-on-European-Perspective-on-Afghanistan-Situation
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