India on Sunday expelled two officials of the Pakistani High Commission in Delhi accusing them of espionage — a charge, which was immediately rejected by Pakistan as “false and unsubstantiated”. The officials were identified as Abid Hussain Abid, 42, an assistant in the Pakistani mission, and Mohammad Tahir Khan, 44, a clerk. Click here to read.... [2]
The Afghan government will continue the release of Taliban prisoners to begin intra-Afghan negotiations and to help the announced reduction in violence go on, said the National Security Council on Sunday. President Ashraf Ghani on May 24 pledged to release 2,000 Taliban prisoners as a goodwill gesture in response to the Eid ceasefire announced by the Taliban. So far, the government has released 1,700 detainees of this latest pledged tranche, bringing the total number of Taliban released to 2,700. Click here to read.... [3]
With the ever increasing price of daily commodities amid the coronavirus crisis, the bus fare hike has put yet another burden on commuters in the country. The government increased the fares for public buses by 60% which will be in effect from June 1. Talking with several commuters, this correspondent learnt that most people found this decision to be irrational. Nirban Kumar, job holder at a private organization, said: “I live in Khilkhet and my office is on Panthapath. Click here to read.... [4]
The Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the National League for Democracy (NLD) party warned Yangon Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein for holding a religious ceremony despite an existing ban on mass gathering. "We, the CEC, warned U Phyo Min Thein,” U Zaw Myint Maung, vice chair of NLD, told journalists after the committee meeting in Nay Pyi Taw on May 31. “We issued this warning to him as representative of the party and CEC." Click here to read.... [5]
Three weeks ago, 18-month-old Jishan Shah of Sarlahi badly injured his left foot when he came under the wheel of a moving tractor. He was immediately taken to a nearby hospital, which referred him to a Birgunj hospital, which in turn referred him to Kathmandu without attending to him. At both the hospitals, doctors demanded to see a Covid-19 test result before attending to the boy. Click here to read.... [6]
The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has initiated investigations into NGOs which have been registered during the term of the previous government without following the due procedures, an official said yesterday. Director General of the National NGO Secretariat Raja Gunaratne told Daily Mirror that NGOs had been registered without looking into their funding sources and projects. Click here to read.... [7]
Almost 16 years after Bhutan banned the sale of tobacco, use of tobacco is still rampant among youth with more than one in five students currently abusing tobacco products. A recent study has now found out that 22.2 percent of students aged between 13 and 15 currently use tobacco products. Out of that 17.3 percent smoked cigarettes and 12.5 percent used smokeless tobacco products (chewing tobacco). Click here to read.... [8]
[9] Neighbourhood News Digest: June 01, 2020&desc=&images=&u=
[10] Neighbourhood News Digest: June 01, 2020&url= Power
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