All Indians await with bated breath the government's decision as to what should be done on expiry of the current countrywide lockdown. There are no easy answers and this is an occasion when no one would envy being in Prime Minister Modi's shoes. India is, however, fortunate in having him at the helm of affairs as he is not one to dither and to shy away from taking hard decisions.
In fashioning the national response to the situation one must take into account the following hard realities:
There are essentially three choices before the leadership in fashioning a policy post the current lockdown, notably, an extension of the lockdown, its complete lifting, or a graded response.
An extension of the lockdown, which has apparently been advocated by many states, would inflict further damage on an already ailing economy, cause untold suffering particularly to the poorest strata of society, and would not be panacea for the coronavirus crisis as the virus has secured a firm foothold in India and will continue to afflict us for many months. Accordingly, a lockdown extension does not constitute a sustainable solution.
The complete lifting of the lockdown would also not be advisable as it would result in the unchecked spiralling of coronavirus cases on a countrywide basis which would rapidly overwhelm our fragile health infrastructure.
A carefully graded lifting of the lockdown would be the only appropriate response. It should be based on practical measures designed to save lives as also the economy, as the two are inextricably intertwined. Given the pain being felt by all sectors of the economy it should also be accompanied by a comprehensive package geared to providing them relief and support. The practice of coming up with relief measures in a piecemeal fashion should be substituted by an all embracing approach covering the entire economy.
Since about 300 districts are showing no signs of the coronavirus all local restrictions should be lifted therefrom accompanied by all necessary measures required to ensure that the virus does not spread to them from the affected areas. Special attention should be given to provide all necessary support to incentivising and accelerating economic activity in these districts.
Government has already included agricultural activities among the essential services to be permitted in the current troubled times. It needs to be ensured that special attention is provided to this sector throughout the country particularly in the next few weeks as this is the harvest season. Any disruption of harvesting would be disastrous.
As to the parts of the country affected by the virus the government may consider announcing a lifting of the lockdown with the following caveats in place for a further one month:
There are no easy solutions or perfect choices before us. A surge in corona virus -positive cases is likely after the partial lifting of the lockdown. The solution lies not in keeping the population under indefinite lockdown but in rapidly improving our health care system, addressing the shortages of personal protective gear, masks, ventilators, testing kits, medicines etc and in producing a vaccine. Some steps have been initiated in this direction and they will begin to bear fruit soon. In the interim, we cannot afford to suspend economic activity much longer. We will have to make hard choices. A graded lifting of the lockdown seems the best way forward.
(The paper is the author’s individual scholastic articulation. The author certifies that the article/paper is original in content, unpublished and it has not been submitted for publication/web upload elsewhere, and that the facts and figures quoted are duly referenced, as needed, and are believed to be correct). (The paper does not necessarily represent the organisational stance... More >>
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