Facing a revenue shortfall of over Rs480 billion in the first eight months of the current financial year, the government has increased by up to 106 per cent the rate of petroleum levy on various oil products to raise an additional revenue of Rs10bn per month, or at least Rs40bn by June 30. Documents seen by Dawn suggest the ministry of finance increased the petroleum levy on high speed diesel (HSD) by Rs7.03 to Rs25.05 per litre for March, from Rs18 per litre in February. This is estimated to generate an additional revenue of Rs4.6bn per month. Click here to read... [2]
President Ashraf Ghani, who reported speaking on the phone with US President Donald Trump on Saturday phone, told CNN during an interview on Sunday that Trump has not asked him to release the Taliban prisoners. "I received a phone call from President Trump today, congratulating me on yesterday’s important developments with regards to the evolving peace process. POTUS expressed his confidence in the Afghan govt’s leadership and state capacity to lead the next steps in process," President Ghani tweeted. Click here to read... [3]
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has congratulated her Malaysian counterpart Muhyiddin Yassin on his assumption of office and conveyed him the fullest support of her government as well as Bangladeshi people. In a letter sent to the Malaysian prime minister on Sunday, Sheikh Hasina also termed the confidence that Malaysian people reposed in him throughout his political career is exemplary. Click here to read... [4]
Although tax revenues have been increasing yearly in Myanmar, the government’s spending momentum has yet to catch up, said U Maung Maung Win, Deputy Minister of Planning, Finance and Industry. Myanmar deploys just 0.3 percent of total tax revenue compared to 2pm in Vietnam, U Maung Maung Win said in a Hluttaw session on February 28. “Compared with other emerging markets, we are about eight times lower in terms of government spending,” he said. Click here to read... [5]
Himalayan towns are running dry due to inadequate urban planning coupled with a rapidly changing climate, which has prompted fears of water insecurity, according to a study. The study conducted in 13 towns across four countries—Nepal, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan of the Hindu Kush Himalaya region—has concluded that these Himalayan towns are increasingly becoming water insecure because of poor urban planning and climate change. Click here to read... [6]
People should think wisely and elect a bold Parliament which could bring about economic and political stability instead of a government which would create a nation which goes begging, UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe said over the weekend. Speaking during the opening of a UNP office in Matara on Saturday, Mr Wickremesinghe said people should handover the country to those who have successfully led the nation towards stability since gaining independence. Click here to read... [7]
Despite meeting the admission age criteria, Kezang Dechen who resides in Phuentsholing was compelled to enrol her son in a private school as the public school ran out of seats for pre-primary (PP). Her son is five years and seven months old. Like Kezang Dechen, many parents have children who missed enrollment because of lack of seats in public schools. Many had to opt for private schools. Click here to read... [8]
Countries are getting more prepared to fight the novel coronavirus outbreak, as the world saw big upswings in new cases and the World Health Organization raised its global risk assessment of the virus from "high" to "very high." Click here to read... [9]
China is not facing a financial system crisis, despite mounting pressure from the coronavirus epidemic on the economy and global stock market routs, but further macro stabilizing measures, including more liquidity injections, might be necessary, analysts said on Sunday. Click here to read... [10]
[1] https://www.vifindia.org/2020/march/02/vif-neighbourhood-news-digest
[2] https://www.dawn.com/news/1537805/petroleum-levy-increased-by-up-to-106pc
[3] https://tolonews.com/afghanistan/trump-not-asking-release-prisoners-ghani
[4] https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/foreign-affairs/2020/03/01/pm-hasina-congratulates-new-malaysian-counterpart
[5] https://www.mmtimes.com/news/govt-spending-lagging-despite-higher-tax-revenues.html
[6] https://kathmandupost.com/national/2020/03/02/water-insecurity-looms-large-over-himalayan-towns-a-new-study-says
[7] http://www.dailymirror.lk/top_story/Act-wisely-and-elect-a-govt-for-economic-and-political-stability-RW/155-184097
[8] https://kuenselonline.com/kids-who-missed-pp-admission-can-try-next-year-moe-minister/
[9] http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202003/02/WS5e5c1a1aa31012821727b630.html
[10] http://en.people.cn/n3/2020/0302/c90000-9663829.html
[11] http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?title=VIF Neighborhood News Digest: March 2, 2020&desc=&images=&u=https://www.vifindia.org/2020/march/02/vif-neighbourhood-news-digest
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