An interview of former president Asif Ali Zardari was stopped from being aired shortly after it started on a private news channel on Monday. Hamid Mir, who was the interviewer of the programme on Geo News, took to Twitter to express his outrage over the incident. “I can only say sorry to my viewers that an interview was started and stopped on Geo New[s] I will share the details soon but it’s easy to understand who stopped it? We are not living in a free country,” he wrote. Click here to read... [2]
As part of their efforts to support the peace process in Afghanistan, Germany and Qatar will convene an Intra-Afghan Dialogue Conference to be held in Doha on 7 and 8 July, 2019, Germany's Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Markus Potzel, said in a statement on Tuesday. “Afghanistan stands at a critical moment of opportunity for progress towards peace,” Potzel said, adding that “an essential component of any process leading to this objective will be a direct engagement between Afghans.” “Only Afghans themselves can decide the future of their country. An Intra-Afghan Dialogue can help clarify the options and opportunities of such direct engagement,” he added. Germany and Qatar hope that this event will contribute to trust-building among key stakeholders, representing a wide spectrum of the Afghan people and society, and thus foster peace and stability in Afghanistan and the wider region. Click here to read... [3]
Myanmar is sending a high-level delegation soon to camps in Bangladesh to explain to hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims how they can return home, Myanmar's UN ambassador said Monday. Some 740,000 Rohingya fled a crackdown by Myanmar's military in 2017 in Rakhine state and are living in camps in Cox's Bazar. Many refugees have been traumatized, providing accounts of rape, mass killings and razing of villages. Myanmar's Ambassador Hau Do Suan told a General Assembly meeting that his government will "dispatch a high level delegation to Cox's Bazar very soon, by the end of July, to explain to the displaced people the arrangements made for the repatriation and resettlement." Click here to read... [4]
It was the summer of 1921. A dozen Communist Party of China (CPC) members were forced to leave a small building in the French concession area of Shanghai, and boarded a boat on Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, concluding the first National Congress of the CPC. Click here to read... [5]
[6] Neighbourhood News Digest: July 2, 2019&desc=&images=&u=
[7] Neighbourhood News Digest: July 2, 2019&url= Power
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