The Armed Forces of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is known as the People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN). The PAVN was formed by Ho Chi Minh and General Vo Nguyen Giap on 22 December 1944. The Service Branches comprise of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Border Defence Force and Coast Guard.
PAVN has defeated the French in the Indo China War (1946-1954), United States in the Vietnam War (1959-1975) and the Chinese in their offensive in 1979. The Military Balance 2017, a publication of The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), London (UK), states that Vietnam has a stronger military tradition and its Armed Forces have greater operational experience than any of its neighbours - one could stretch this to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) of which Vietnam is a member - and apply themselves logically on strategic issues. Due to its current problems in the South China Sea, Vietnam has been focussing on modernising its Navy, Air Force and surveillance assets. It is indeed difficult for Vietnam to combat China alone but it is equipping itself reasonably well to be able to encounter adverse situations besides forging improved defence relations with the United States and the other Western Countries.
The PAVN is an all encompassing body and is reasonably similar to the People’s Liberation Army of China. It has a National Defence Council under which the most powerful body, the Central Military Commission, operates. The Defence Minister functions under the Central Military Commission and his Ministry has six departments. The Ministry comprises the General Staff Department, Political Department, Military Intelligence Department, Logistics , Technical and Military Industries Department. Out of these, from operations point of view, the most important is General Staff Department. The General Staff Department is headed by the Chief of General Staff who is also a Vice Defence Minister. He is assisted by four Deputy Chiefs of General Staff.
The General Staff Department deals with Operations. Mobilisation, Special Task Force, Chemical Warfare, Survey and Mapping, and the following Services:-
The Army has local forces which are organised in Military regions and Military Districts. Futher they have the Main Force which comprise of formations for Combat and the Reserve. The Army has close links with the Border Defence Force and reserves. All able bodied personnel have a conscript liability which varies for two years for the Army, three years for the Navy, Air Force and specialists. At the outset Army comprises of Eight Military Regions. They are directly under the Ministry of Defence, General Staff Branch. Each Military Region has three to four depleted infantry divisions. They constitute the following:-
The next aspect is to focus on other combat elements. This consists of combat ready personnel who can undertake military operations. There are four Corps who are critical components of PAVN. These are located as under;-
It is pertinent to note that the infantry divisions in a Corps have greater potency than those in the Military Region in terms of Artillery, Engineers and Signals. Further infantry battalions in the Military Region have fewer support weapons. There is no Medical battalion in the Divisions of the Military Region. The Infantry Battalion is the basic fighting unit of the Vietnamese Army. Like the Chinese it has three Rifle Companies, one Combat Support Company (heavy weapons and engineer elements) and a Rear services Company.
The overall strength of the Army is 4,12,000. Total components, apart from the Military Regions and Corps, are as under:-
The equipment of the Vietnamese Army is Russian and most of them are dated. They possess 1270 tanks, 1380 Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs), 2000 Artillery Guns, Scud Missiles and old Russian Air Defence systems. It is a professional Army which needs to be modernised.
The PAVN Navy has its HQ at Haiphong and has five Regional commands. The details are elucidated as under:-
The Navy has strength of 40,000 which includes strength of 27,000 of Naval Infantry. The major equipment by type is as mentioned below:-
Another important aspect is the Coastal Defence which is implemented by Surface to Surface Missiles. The K-300 Bastion with a range of 300 Km provides a good capability particularly for islands. The Naval Air Wing has both utility and anti-submarine warfare helicopters.
The Vietnamese Air Force has strength of 30,000 personnel. They have three Air Force Divisions, one Transport Brigade and four Air Defence Artillery Brigades. The Air Force Divisions have fighter, transport aircraft and helicopters. The Air Defence Brigades has Surface to Air (SA) missiles and Air Defence Guns. There are six Radar Brigades with 100 radar stations. The locations of these Divisions are as under:-
Main equipment with the Air Force are as appended below:-
The PAVN has other constituents which play an important role. These are as follows:-
Vietnam’s Cabinet approved the strategy document in 2016. The Document, ‘Overall Strategy for International Integration through 2020, Vision to 2030’, lays out strategic challenges and opportunities for Vietnam. The document states that the Asia Pacific region will witness competition among major powers and complicated territorial and maritime disputes. ASEAN will face difficult challenges externally and internally due to major power rivalry and economic competition.
The document lays the importance of PAVN protecting the interests in the South China Sea and need for modernisation to face the challenges. It is true that Vietnamese equipment needs modernisation bur purchase of weapons involves huge financial cost. Vietnam’s defence budget is a state secret. The defence budget was estimated at $ 4.31 billion in 2014 and $ 3.84 billion in 2015. This is approximately 7 percent of GDP which indicates a high quantity of finances is allocated for Defence. Vietnam is gradually building its capability to construct defence equipment particularly ships, vehicles and missiles. Guidance is mainly being provided by Russia and Netherlands. It has exported KCT-15 anti-ship missile to Venezuela. Thus incremental modernisation of the PAVN will continue.
The PAVN is one fifth the size of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and its defence budget is about 3 percent of China. In the last encounter held in the South China Sea at Johnson Reef in 1988, Vietnam lost 88 personnel. In May 2014 China sent a mobile oil rig with escorted vessels in the disputed region. After an uneasy standoff they withdrew the oil rig after a month. Undoubtedly, they are unevenly matched. A RAND report by Derek Grossman of January 2018 spells out lucidly on the subject.
Vietnam realises that it cannot outmatch the numerical and technological superiority of the PLA in the air and naval assets. Vietnam instead seeks to develop a more modest array of offsetting and retaliatory military capabilities to deter China from seizing disputed territory in South China Sea. In this connection PAVN has acquired a few modern weapon systems. These comprise six Russian built Kilo class submarines, 36 Sukhoi 30 MK 2 which have the capability to strike targets throughout the South China Sea. PAVN is also in possession of a complementary network of anti-access missiles. These are the Bastion shore based Anti-Ship Cruise Missile and S-300 Surface to Air Missile batteries to ensure that Chinese military operations within Vietnam’s EEZ would encounter reasonable degree of attrition. Further, its frigates would contest the Chinese in close combat in a retaliatory mode.
Vietnam has also expanded its Coast Guard presence with patrol vessels which are lightly armed to conduct maritime law enforcement activities as well as tactical reconnaissance and maritime surveillance in the South China Sea. PAVN has definitely dissuaded China from undertaking a misadventure by fielding these capabilities. Vietnam is also conceptualising fighting a new Guerrilla Warfare in the South China Sea.
PAVN has deep respect for the Indian Armed Forces. Submariners and Sukhoi pilots of PAVN have been trained in India. PAVN is keen on acquiring the BrahMos Supersonic Cruise Missile from India. They are grateful to the Indian Army for running English training in Vietnam. Indian Army is also going to undertake training in Jungle Warfare in Vietnam. Apart from these numerous other activities bind PAVN to the Indian Armed Forces.
PAVN is possibly the best Armed Forces in South East Asia. They are innovatively building their capabilities in the South China Sea. They have good relations with the Indian Armed Forces. It would be prudent to assist them in building their capability to retaliate effectively against a Chinese misadventure.
(The paper is the author’s individual scholastic articulation. The author certifies that the article/paper is original in content, unpublished and it has not been submitted for publication/web upload elsewhere, and that the facts and figures quoted are duly referenced, as needed, and are believed to be correct). (The paper does not necessarily represent the organisational stance... More >>
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