Leading a seven-member delegation of Taiwan’s Prospect Foundation, Dr. I-Chung Lai visited the VIF on 08 May 2017 for a joint strategic dialogue on India-Taiwan relations. The delegation comprised of Dr. Mumin Chen, Dr. Ming-Shih Shen, Richard Chiu, Jason Huang, Col Tony Sheng and Oliver Harn. While deliberations were wide and varied, three important issues were picked up for special treatment: (1) Geo-political developments pre-dating the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; (2) geo-political developments in the East Asian region, and; (3) the potential trajectory in US-Taiwan relations under President Trump. Within the framework of the dialogue, India-Taiwan relations and China’s military modernization under President Xi Jingping were also comprehensively discussed. A strong battery of policy experts, including Amb Kanwal Sibal, Amb Ashok Kantha, Mr. Jatyadeva Rande and Dr. Jabin T. Jacob, among others, represented the VIF, while General NC Vij, Director, VIF, presided over the event.
[1] https://www.vifindia.org/event/report/2017/may/31/india-taiwan-strategic-dialogue
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