A five-member delegation from Nepal Transition to Peace-Institute (NTTP I) visited the VIF on July 24, 2014 for interaction on a variety of issues of mutual interest. The delegation was led by former Speaker of the Nepalese Parliament Mr. Daman Nath Dhungana, Senior Facilitator and Chairman of the Institute and included, among others, distinguished personalities such as Mr. Padma Ratan Tuladhar and Mr. Vidyadhar Mallik, both former ministers. The VIF delegation was led by the Director, Gen (Retd) N C Vij and included Mr. C D Sahay, Lt.Gen (Retd) Ravi Sawhney and others.
Extending a warm welcome to the visiting delegates, the Director VIF recalled the long traditional ties of history and culture between the peoples of Nepal and India that has withstood the test of time. He also recalled the extremely constructive discussions that were held during the earlier visit of the NTTP-I delegation to the VIF in August 2012.
In their opening remarks, Mr. Tuladhar and later Mr. Dhungana, warmly responded to and endorsed the sentiments expressed by Gen. Vij and proceeded to give a detailed assessment of the situation obtaining in Nepal with special reference to the constitution drafting exercise undertaken by the 2nd Constituent Assembly. They expressed confidence that the constitution drafting work was on course and that the main sticking issues such as federalism and ideological differences will also get resolved.
The visiting delegation expressed very positive sentiments over the new Indian Government’s initial moves in not only extending invitation to the leaders of the neighboring countries to the swearing in ceremony of the Modi-cabinet but also to the visit of the Indian Foreign Minister to Kathmandu. They expressed the view that the upcoming visit of Prime Minister Modi to Nepal next month would mark the beginning of a new era of Indo-Nepal cooperation, particularly in Nepal’s quest for economic revival.
Nepal Transition to Peace-Institute (NTTP) is a national entity that supports Nepal's peace process by providing dialogue, mediation and facilitation services. Prior to being registered as an independent peace institute under the Home Ministry in May 2014, NTTP was run as a national peace support program designed in consultation with the Government of Nepal, its Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction and political parties to build their capacity to engage in the peace process, create an inclusive multi-party dialogue to address all stakeholders' concerns, and institutionalize national transitional peace structures.
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