External environment has become deeply uncertain. The balance of power is shifting. US centred hegemonic order has come under stress. Multilateralism is dysfunctional. Global south is asserting for its voice to be heard. Alliances and partnerships are changing. The world is seeing fragmentation. Several conflicts and wars are raging simultaneously with no end in sight. These have deep impact on India’s national security.
The scope of India’s national security challenges is widening: Covid 19 disrupted India’s economy, society and exposed over weaknesses. Galwan 2020 underlined the unreliable nature of China and the need for new military doctrine and building infrastructure on the border.
The lessons for India are:-
Kautilya’s Arthasastra provides us with some clues as to how we can survive these challenges in national security. In the Arthasastra the Vijigishu, or the conqueror, has the responsibility to expand the influence of the state, defend it against hostile neighbours, seek friends and constantly ensure the welfare and progress his subjects. The advice pertaining to strengthening the six prakrities or attribute of the states i.e. the King, Amatya, Durg, Kosh, Dand and Janapada. This means that the comprehensive strength of the state should be built.
Kautilya’s advices are the judicious use of the six tools (Shadgunyas) of foreign policy namely, Sandhi (peace), Vigharaha (war), Asana (staying quiet), Yaana (preparing for war), Smsraya (seeking the protection of a stronger king when threatened) and Dvaidibhava (making peace with a neighbouring king to pursue with his help the policy of hostility towards another). Kautilya’s advises the king to identify the enemy and the circle of his friends.The king has to use the four upayas of Saam, Daam, Bhed, Dand properly. The King should enhance to the three kinds of shaktis (power): Mantra Shakti (Intellect), Prabhav Shakti (material) and Utsah Shakti (morale).
Seen in the modern context, Kautilya’s advice amounts to objective identification of national interests in the backdrop of changing global environment, focussing on identifying opportunities and challenges, distinguishing between friends and foes and the need for building ones capability.
In other words, India must be clear about the Rajmandala or the geopolitical environment that it is located in. We also need to be aware that the various states in the Rajmandala have their own strengths and weaknesses, which need to be identified and leveraged. Of course, today’s world is very different from the world in which Kautilya lived. The configuration of states may have changed but the basic character of state behaviours has not seen any change, namely, there are hostile states with which one has to deal with.
Alliances play a major role in dealing with the hostile world. These alliances are however, are dynamic and subject to change. The Mitra of today can turn out to be the Ari of tomorrow and vice-a-versa.
In Kautilya’s view, wars cannot be ruled out but they should be the method of last resort. A King goes to a war after a lot of consideration and evaluation of his own strengths and weaknesses and of his allies. While spineless surrender is not recommended, a pointless war motivated by false hubris and overestimation of one’s strength is also to be avoided. A country should devote attention and resources to fighting a war by remaining prepared for the same.
Kautilya’s teachings can be profitably applied to the present day situation. India needs a comprehensive National Security Strategy which takes in to account the factors like national interests, global and regional environment, the different attributes of states power, war preparedness, strong economy, military, technology, able population, well defended borders, internal cohesion, a satisfied population and a variety of partnerships and alliances and robust diplomacy. There also needs to be a constant review of these factors as the situation changes continuously.
Most specifically, India will have to take several steps to ensure that it is able to survive and thrive in a changing world.
In the situation of current flux and churn in the world, instability is likely to grow. This presents many challenges to India. But, this is also an era of opportunities. India has been able to build its strength and take advantage of the new opportunities. But, we have challenging tasks ahead. We must define our national interests clearly and build strength as rapidly as possible.
[1] https://www.vifindia.org/article/2023/november/06/a-talk-on-india-s-national-security-challenges-in-a-turbulent-world
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