I would like to thank the organizers, International Institute of Central Asia (IICA) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan and ISRS for inviting me to participate in this RT on “Samarkand Process : Prospects for modernisation of the SCO”.
Presently India holds the Chairmanship of the SCO. Council of Heads of States. India is looking forward to holding the meeting of the SCO Heads of State in Delhi. In the recent years SCO’s membership has expanded, as also; its agenda. It is an opportune moment to discuss how SCO should be reformed and modernisation in keeping with the rapid transformation in the global and regional environment.
As a representative of an Indian think tank, I would like to make the following six broad points-
[1] https://www.vifindia.org/directorremarks/2023/june/16/Samarkand-Process-Prospects-for-Modernisation-of-the-SCO-speech-by-Dr-Arvind-Gupta-Director-VIF
[2] http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?title=Samarkand Process – Prospects for Modernisation of the SCO speech by Dr Arvind Gupta, Director VIF on 14 June 2023&desc=&images=&u=https://www.vifindia.org/directorremarks/2023/june/16/Samarkand-Process-Prospects-for-Modernisation-of-the-SCO-speech-by-Dr-Arvind-Gupta-Director-VIF
[3] http://twitter.com/share?text=Samarkand Process – Prospects for Modernisation of the SCO speech by Dr Arvind Gupta, Director VIF on 14 June 2023&url=https://www.vifindia.org/directorremarks/2023/june/16/Samarkand-Process-Prospects-for-Modernisation-of-the-SCO-speech-by-Dr-Arvind-Gupta-Director-VIF&via=Azure Power
[4] whatsapp://send?text=https://www.vifindia.org/directorremarks/2023/june/16/Samarkand-Process-Prospects-for-Modernisation-of-the-SCO-speech-by-Dr-Arvind-Gupta-Director-VIF