Historical and Civilisational Studies
The Asian Century of Dharma - Dhamma; Call for Universal Responsibility and Interdependent Sustainability

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) in collaboration with Bodhigayavijalaya 980 Institute (BGVI) & Bharat Studies Centre, Mahachulalongkornrajyavidyalaya University (MCU), International Buddhist Confederation (IBC), India & Japan Foundatio

Opinion | Samvad And The Asian Century Of Dharma And Dhamma

The fourth edition of Samvad – the Global Hindu-Buddhist Initiative for Conflict Avoidance and Environmental Consciousness will be held in Thailand from 14 to 17 February. This flagship outreach programme, initiated in 2015 by Prime Minister

India's Culture, Society and Economy - Past present and future

I. The Critical Question
The single most critical question which has tormented the Indian establishment consisting of most thinkers, intellectuals, academics, political leaders, policy makers, economists, sociologists of India sinc

Developments in India in the Field of Culture in 2024

India witnessed several major developments in the field of culture in the year 2024. Major discoveries were made through archaeological excavations in different parts of India. Several ongoing research works in the field of archaeology are on the pre

Creation of Barahanagar Matha: First Hermitage of Ramakrishna Sangha

It was past midnight of the last day of Shravana of Bengali Era of 1293, 16 August 1886 as per the Gregorian Callender, Thakur Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa, the God-incarnate in the eyes of his ardent devotees, breathed his last at 0102 hours at Ka


Left Historians were noseled by Karl Marx and Max Weber who influenced 20th Century Indian intellectualism, academics and historians. Karl Marx two articles in New York Harold Tribune in 1854 and Max Webers religion of Hinduism & Buddhism were their

The Forgotten ‘Student Movement’ of East Pakistan

On Wednesday, 17th July 2024, top officials of Dhaka University announced the suspension of classes and closure of the university dorms following violent protests against quotas for government jobs. December 10, 2024

Dara Shukoh: Pioneer of Inter-faith Dialogue

In the annals of medieval Indian history, Prince Dara Shukoh, the eldest son of Mughal Emperor Shahjahan, shines as a learned personality of considerable eminence, so much so that his influence is felt even to this day. He was a man of many parts --

Air India Flight 182: A Tale of Canada's Pampering of Canadian Khalistani Terror

Canada as a country is renowned for its maple forests producing sweet maple syrup, beaver dams built by hard-working beavers, good-looking actors with the name Ryan, the best view of Niagara Falls, and, of course, an unbiased justice system and effic

Revisiting Cooperation in South Asia from Vivekananda’s Perspective

Western scholars and thinkers have dominated the field of international relations. Be it the study of world affairs or regional affairs, western perspectives have paved the way for their understanding. This paper looks beyond the

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