Analysing the Aborted India-Pakistan Meeting at New York

Under Imran Khan, Pakistan was trying to win diplomatic points internationally by proposing a dialogue and putting the onus on India of rejecting a well-intended “peace move”. Pakistan is under bilateral pressure from America through cutbacks....

Libya in Turmoil

Nearly seven years after the revolution, Libya remains in the grip of civil war. The country’s ranking in terms of the UN Human Development Index has continued to fall from 43rd in pre-revolution period (2010) to 50th in the immediate post-revoluti....

Modernisation of the Armed Forces of China: Wake Up Call for India

Issues Meriting Importance The People’s Republic of China was established in 1949 under the Chairmanship of Mao Ze Dong. The Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) defeated Generalissimo Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek), and formed the government. Thereaft....

Japanese Interests in Sri Lanka

Japan has taken an increasing interest in Sri Lanka, with its focus directed towards the port development in the country. Recently, in an interesting development, the Japanese Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera made a two day official visit to Sri Lan....

India’s Geopolitical Posturing and Conflict Termination

The Issue A nation needs to assess her geo-political position in consonance with regional threat environment, aspirations of her people, economic growth and military power. Excessive aggression leads to instability. At the same time, indications o....

The United Nations 73rd General Assembly Session

“Making the United Nations relevant to all people: global leadership and shared responsibilities for peaceful, equitable and sustainable societies”, this will be the theme for the 73rd Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) from 15 September 2....

COMCASA - The Bigger Picture

In the context of the signing of Communication Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA) between US and India on 06 Sep 2018 during the 2+2 dialogue1, this article attempts to analyse the bigger picture. In that, it traces the journey of consol....

संविधान, न्यायपालिका और कांग्रेस शासन की स्मृतियां

हाल ही में टीवी पर एक साक्षात्कार में श्री हरीश साल्वे ने कहा कि भारतीय जनता पार्टी (भाजपा) के कु�....

Peace Mission 2018 - the Larger Perspective

Somebody queried, "While Indian armed forces do joint military exercises with almost every nation in the immediate neighbourhood, even China, and with many others in the external environment, why not with Pakistan"? The quick reply was, "Joint exerci....

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